Why is there no telegraphing anymore?

Before you could see everything. Most of the colors of things bad about to happen are the same coloration as the ground and if anyone puts up an aoe, corpse explosion, fire wall, blizzard, etc you can’t see anything but that. all the elites spam crazy ground aoe stuff that used to be visible ,wtf! come on Microsoft fire everyone left already except the people who did the seasonal rewards and iron wolves rewards. those were worth it. farming t100+ pits is just that, the pits absolutely garbage reward for the effort you put… oh wow 40ish neathiron, now do this 15 times more and you git 1 piece, only 8-11 more to go, blah.

and who decided to not make Unique’s temper-able, colossal mistake. Most are dog meat now.

But to me this is a diablo game, so i argue with the consensus. Just like d3, bad… now i jut have to wait 5 years.

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Yeah it realltly just mskes the game annoying more than anything, not fun