Why is there no general chat?

Gold sellers have the trade channel; so… There is also a cool down on your ability to post in there, so…

Solo gaming with no general chat sucks looking for team ups farming or help with bosses

mmorpg. abbreviation for. massive(ly) multiplayer online role-playing game : an internet-based computer game set in a virtual world, which can be played by many people at the same time, each of whom can interact with the others. Its a mmorpg

Whats the point of having an open world game where you can see other players but cant find a group to play or trade with?
Remove the open world feature and be done with it then

By removing the capacity to communicate with strangers in game they remove the need for paying someone to deal with conflict, while entirely outsourcing the necessity of such systems to the players to deal with via external applications.

Save money, remove any form of responsibility, all the for the low low price of a bloody awful experience for a large portion of your players! Low price to pay.

If there was a general chat it would be as bad as this forum i.e 95% of what people say would be chatting crap about the game.

That means everytime you logged into the game you would just face an onslaught of people chatting about how bad the game is. It would put you off wanting to play.

They would have to be moronic to add a chat feature.

Not to mention devs are kinda catching on in general how bad adding chat features are to games as they are so toxic. You play games to be drawn into the games world and forget about life, and chat 9 times outta ten pulls you right out of it.

Well… you’re not wrong. A lot of times people DO use trade chat for general chat.

-I’m great as long as I can disable whatever channel you’re suggesting. I just want to game. As a gay man, it’s pretty annoying to log in and instantly see people talking about how gay someone so-and-so is, as a general insult.

  • I don’t need a bubble and such but it doesn’t feel great to be invalidated the instant you log in. So as long as I can disable the newest general channel X, I’m fine with whatever channels y’all would like.

There used to be one for Diablo 1…called Ogden’s Tavern. It was hilarious and sprung many a PVP battle between Clans…or Guilds as they were back then.

Has it ever occurred to you genius that with general chat implemented, there could also be a very easy, convenient, fast and permanent way to mute it ?
Or is this far beyond the thinking that your two braincells allows ?

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You could also just mute the chat, you :clown_face:


Yeah but people don’t, they leave it on because they have a FOMO. We know this from Overwatch, you’d get thousands of forum posts on the overwatch forum of people complaining about the toxicity and quitting, and you’d say ‘‘just turn it off then’’ but they don’t because of FOMO.

If you weren’t a :clown_face: you’d have thought of that yourself. What a dumbo. Go back to the circus, it is missing you.

And your solution to this is just a censorship aka dont implement it at all

Or you could find people to team up/play with on /lfg

Or create an allways online and open world game where you can see other players but are unable to comunicate?

You dont have to look at the chat all the time you know? Or you can just turn it off?


My most important point as well. I cannot fathom how they can make a multiplayer arpg without the means of making a community. No chats, no easy trading places in game, no group finders, and most of all no endgame content that would make this so nice.


This needs to be repeated until the point sinks in

So the GrimReaper is supposed to take the dead to the afterlife, not necro old threads that should’ve died a long time ago. Let it go my friend.

What kinda stupid statement is that. Poe is not a mmo either, but it keeps its community tight and stays popular for so long precisely because of global chats and vibrant community

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My theory is the cross-connect. They wanted to develop and support one server architecture, so bridge the Xbox with the PC players. Except Xbox does not have a keyboard, but you can certainly use some buttons to hit an emoji.

We do not have chat because we are essentially playing a console game. Another slap in the face to the core Diablo community that dates back to the 90s with D1.

Blizz also doesnt have a whole lot of customer service representatives left after the lay offs. Its all AI now.

No chat = no harrassment = less costly than dealing with CS claims about behavior.

I’m pretty sure Blizzard is shifting their focus on console instead of PC.

It’s easier to optimize since there’s only 1 spec.

You can tell by the UI design really, at launch everything was so console focused

The removal of the chat is due to it being an instrument of freedom of expression. They did this so that people wouldn’t complain about the game. It’s all calculated. The United States, which called itself the most “democratic” in the world, is now seen differently.

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