Why is there no actual solo mode?

I’m a long time Diablo fan. I’ve been playing since the first Diablo.

Why oh why is it that I can’t play alone anymore?

This has happened to me multiple times now. I start an event, I’m working through it myself at my own pace, and suddenly someone higher level than I with better gear comes in, does… stuff, a lot of it happens offscreen, I don’t quite grasp everything going on, then they go on their way.

I don’t understand this compulsive need to have everything be a continuously shared experience. I have probably slightly over 1000 hours in Diablo 3, and I’d be willing to bet that less than 100 of those hours have been multiplayer. I don’t do multiplayer.

Why can’t we just have a mode where other players don’t show up? I don’t understand how the existence of such a thing is such a bad thing? It should be easy to implement; it already exists in Diablo 3.


Because it would be harder to sell cosmetics if they didn’t force you to see other peoples crap.


I feel the same way.

On top of the normal multiplayer issues I don’t really care for I also have pretty meh internet and when my family watch movies online I don’t get to play because the internet is too laggy for the game.

I know some people love the idea of it but I personally prefer when multiplayer is a side option for games like this.

The real reason is likely to make sure everyone playing actually paid for the game rather than stealing it and it would be harder to sell cosmetics.


I don’t like it either but it makes sense when you look at the “cosmetics” they’re trying to sell. I don’t mind seeing people in the city but out in the world just feels wrong.


Wait. You can’t play solo? There isn’t a single player experience?


So some random player can grief my game?


It was announced LONG ago that this would have a lot of MMO features. Was never billed or promoted as a solo game. I don’t like it either but that discussion is LONG past.


Exactly that, you’re doing your thing and then other players (constantly visible) are running around and helping with killing monsters and doing events lol


I’m sorry this is my first time on this forum. Just so I understand I can be in a boss fight and a higher level toon can just walk in and pull mobs on me like in wow?


Unfortunately that’s correct :frowning:


Wow. That’s shocking.


Yeah yikes, i figured it was more like D3 online, not sure how thats going to work.


But I don’t think it applies to boss fights

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So like wow it’s a different instance?

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Yes, when you’re doing dungeons, fight with bosses or looking for aspects then you’re completely alone but on a regular map, and it is a huge map BTW, there are other players. You can say that the experience is exactly like in diablo immortal…


Wait, there is no true solo mode at all? I despise the always online garbage enough as it is. I haven’t been following all the banter and news. I’ve also been playing since the first game and was just looking forward to the next installment. I can’t be alone?


Yes I’m confused as well. So I can’t do quests solo like in d3?


No, there is no ‘always solo mode’ but sometimes you’re actually on your own (dungeons, boss fights, looking for aspects) and maybe other things I haven’t explored yet - only 13lvl so far because it keeps disconnecting…


Because it’s 2023 not 1993. People get bored of the same stuff over and over. Played D2:R recently? Booooooooooring.

design choice with world bosses, etc.
you can’t do that solo