Why is the Pit anti-party?

Why can’t everyone in the party get the same amount of neathiron? Because of this, it’s better to just solo farm at a comfortable tier level.

Greater rift from Diablo 3 was fun in groups. Pit in Diablo 4 is just a cheap ripoff minus the fun.


Why not? A choice, obviously.

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Dude, just take turns.

You put the mats, after you beat it, let somebody else put in the mats, etc etc… It’s the way it IS for right now so just find a way to work around it.

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Current blizz has been struggling with social gameplay across all titles for a few years now not sure why either

Pit is awesome. Blizz should implement this to Uber Bosses. Only those who put mats get the goodies.

Those who are carried should have less or no loots compared to those who carries the group. The soloist who are not carried should be rewarded more.

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Then go play D3. Youve already communicated you quit and you just posts these trolling topic.

:point_up: this. Group play allows higher pit runs. At the end of the day if you have a good party and your doing rotas it balances out.

Shouldn’t have to. It’s a bad design decision much like a lot of things in the game.


No it’s not.

It’s done this way for a number of reasons, some of which are:

  • If you’re carrying others through the pits, you still get the full reward, but the people you’re carrying ALSO get rewarded for not doing anything
  • People can’t just make a 4-man group and blast through the same or higher level than a single player and earn 4+ times the materials that a single player can - You can still earn more in a group doing this, but it’s not so significant that single players feel left out
  • If you don’t have the materials to spawn a Pit (i.e., you’re getting a boost), you can still enter, you just don’t get as much reward, which is fine if you’re getting boosted anyway, because you can’t use it 'til you have end-game gear anyway.

Being able to run pits with friends, even if they don’t have the matts to open the pit is a positive thing for groups and the pits.

Just because you think it’s bad, doesn’t mean it is. You’re just not seeing it for what it really is.

You get more materials per hour running in a group even if you’re not the leader than if you do it solo. And if you’re the leader (or take turns) then you get even more. And if you’re just getting a boost, you get free MW matts for not doing anything.

There’s literally nothing ‘anti-party’ about it at all.


Except this is not rewarding solo, this is punishing group lol

equity. 20 characters

No class synergies in D4. Also the map and monsters are boring

I didn’t say it was a bad design.

The game gives you an Option, you just have to work around it until they cater to You and other people who feel the same way.

As I said, it is what it is…for now, just work around it.

my WW barb say otherwise

I think the design is intended for solo play up to level 101. Levels 150-200 are meant for groups to see how far they can go, assuming everyone in the party no longer needs materials.

Disclaimer: it doesn’t mean I like the design. I hate the pits. Lol

It isnt though, just rotate.

Boss mat farming is made the same way, only the player summoning gets the mats.

Again, just rotate.

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Same reason uber bosses are anti-solo.
Just because, I guess.