Why is the diablo 4 forum more entertaining than the game?

I couldn’t start the game in days, because the game feels like work,

But reading in the forum is entertainment and relaxing.

So why did the game miss the part, were a game relax the player, and do not feel like a neverending job to do, unfortunately unpaid.


Idk man, I’ve been doing a lot outside the game. The idea of Diablo 4 still feels good. I just pretend like it’s not actually released yet.

I AFK out of the game back to character select probably 10 or 15 times a day.

Welcome to the real endgame.


Looks like its time for you to move on. GL HF drop your gold in town to a newbie and be on your way pilgrim. Nothing left to see here but your hurt feelers.

I got a game over on wow forums till like the year 3020… hard game is hard.


I don’t even want to peek inside there. :joy:

Season effect probably.

Most people who know they won’t reach 100, kill UBL/do NM100 before season starts are now waiting.

I feel the same, but I still play almost daily testing classes/builds to see what I want to do in S1. Won’t last me more than a couple evenings though.

i have had more fun in the forums and reddit then in the game too.

that speaks volumes


I’m still pushing for a 100% completion before season starts. Realistically I,ll want to down Uber Lilith, do a NM75 and all quests and dungeons. Finishing up the few dungeons now and then onto pushing a 75.

The forums are much more entertaining than the game because the developers don’t participate and interfere here. It’s like a safe space.


D3 endgame was = AH
D4 endgame = forums


The forums are the end game that they didn’t include in D4. You reach level 70, “beat the game”, log out, and farm likes on the forums.

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Folks come here for the PvP.

People like watching people fight.

Ye its true. Can play game of forums since i need to do smth before Remnant 2 early access

So there are others, who are catched by the forum loop

Easy Answer – this forum is full of clowns :smiley: