Why is it already Season 4 and we are missing some long beloved things that make DIABLO GOOD?

Diablo 2 vet here since the golden days of Baal runs, Ja Ith Ber, and what have you.
I’m upset at some things I don’t understand and I hope you can help some Diablo Vets…

Where is the cow level?
Diablo 2 Had it, Diablo 3 Had it, Why doesn’t Diablo 4 have it?

Why do classes not have dedicated SET GEARs for them?
You’re missing such a good piece of play here not only for graphic art work, but nostalgia for the community.

Immortal Kings?
Sig set?
Isen hart?
Trang Ouls??

What in the world ???

Will the expansion have this stuff ???

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


D3 didn’t had it untill much later, after the expac came out. I’m shure we will soon see one.

Should nostalgia realy be the driveing point in adding sets? How about adding sets, if they fit the itemisation at all. Since you are a D2 fan, sets were mostly useless novelty peices, where bis build haven’t used any at all. Exept the Tal’s set for the sorc maybe. And on the other side of the spectrum there are D3 sets, that were madatory to use.

I’m glad you haven’t asked runewords, which is another can of worms.

Both could be added if done right, but I doubt avid D2 fans would like the iteration, if it’s not a 1:1 copy from D2.

Sorry but there is no real excuse-- it’s lack of desire and drive to get things released. Is the engine and mechanics of D4 that much different from D3? No not really. You already have a base template / model to work off of. It’s been over a year since the release of this game.

Worse case just add it in as a VFX gear and charge $20 for it.
it’s all starting to become microtransactions this microtransactions that
There feels like there is a large lack of content in this game and hopefully the expansion will revive that.

I’m dissapointed is all for a series that has had very good lore and gameplay.

Last time I checked this was the VoH expansion forum. Just incase you missed it.

…wtf did i just read? I am inherintly stupider for reading this… Fkn grammar wow.

You’re welcome. I wrote this half asleep in the morning on my phone. Also my native language is not english. Feel free to point out my grammatical errors, so I can learn from it. :yum: