Why is everybody in Diablo 4 so hostile?

I used to play Diablo 2 back in the day a lot. Whenever you needed some help, you could simply hop on and create a game with request for help and there would always be someone to help you defeat a difficult boss.
I tried to kill Andariel like 50 times, asked for help multiple times, nobody even bothers to answer… Maybe it’s me that didn’t ask the right people but seems kinda trashy…

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Ever played D solo, and learned to do so.
D4 will never be a MP game, since the comunity is probably old solo gamers.
And a lot o “group” players are only leeching, so you get the point…

Anyway, the game is perfectilly finishable solo, so…

Could you help me get achivment of getting 5 kills pvp?

Kind of a toxic response tbh… I’ve never had any problem giving a taxi in D2 back in the day. Neither have I had the issue of nobody wanting to help me like it is here.

I’m pretty sure a lot of the hostility is from players who just tried to masterwork something and failed to get what they wanted after 10k+ obdicite (sp?). lol


being this season is done in a little over a week, could be the main reason, and if that other guys post is toxic, you should probabably try and get a refund, cause you just opened up yourself to be toxified… cryers dont last long on the forums

I had to login just for this but Diablo II was where I learned that 90% of you people are just bad people. Like legitimately bad people. People who set out just to try and make others upset or take something. I was young and naive, didn’t know people would just lie and steal all because of anonymity.

With that said, I’ll agree that it’s definitely worse somehow lol. Like 99% of the people who play online now are just sociopaths who only know how to communicate by referencing memes.

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Yeah, sure, right away

Toxic? Just for “showing” you the reality? Ok…

Me neither. But right now everybody is more into solo gaming than in group. And because probably 80% - 90% of the players level solo.
The question is how you ask? If it’s in a toxic way, nobody will help you…

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I think a lot of the community is old school players with developed clicks. I have a group of friends already i play with but i do look for new people to introduce into the mix. And I have stumbled on some friendly people. My advice is to just keep looking for new people to hang with and mever get discouraged!

I think a lot of the community is old school players with developed clicks. I have a group of friends already i play with but i do look for new people to introduce into the mix. And I have stumbled on some friendly people. My advice is to just keep looking for new people to hang with and mever get discouraged!
Keep looking and keep being friendly. You never know who you will meet!

Not answering is “hostile” and “toxic?” It’s rude perhaps, but I wouldn’t call it hostile or toxic. Yelling at you or telling you off without provocation would be, though.

I wouldn’t assume most players are even reading the chat these days. I personally play with most of the chat channels muted due to tons of bot accounts that spam all the time. It isn’t to ignore players. It’s to deal with an ongoing problem Blizzard hasn’t properly tackled. I wouldn’t be surprised if others do the same for the same reason.

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I mean, how long did you look for help? I usually have no problem finding someone to help me kill tormented bosses, although i usually offer to drop 10+ runs in one go for the help because its nice to do for a person to carry me.

Also, consider that depending on when you asked, either that nobody is able to carry you (unlikely but possible) or that someone is in the middle of a HT, a pit or an IH, so they couldnt help in the moment. Getting a carry may require asking a few times in trade chat.

Did you use the group finder?