Why I will not play seasons in current state

As someone who played every D3 season since 5.
It’s far to slow and far to unrewarding for time invested.
I’m level 60 at mo, running a lvl 10 NM Dng nets me 320,000 odd exp.
1.97 million xp needed for next lvl, and that will just increase.
Lvl 10 NM is 4 lvls over recommended lvl, maxing exp earned.
Never even mind the tedious lenght of time to get 1 glyph to level 2…
I do not have the time or the will to do this every 3 months.
I’ll stay internal realm at present.
Why does this matter?
To my fellow forum whiners, it doesn’t, to the Devs, the monetization is all on seasons (I would pay for a BP if worth it). No season play from casuals, no money…

EDIT: 3.2 million xp needed for next lvl - even worst…


ok :writing_hand: :writing_hand: :writing_hand: :writing_hand: :writing_hand: :writing_hand: :writing_hand: :writing_hand: :writing_hand:

If u run level 20 NM dungeons the glyph levels up super fast you get like 50 xp per run.

They reason i wouldnt do it is if i have to do all the renoun/lillith statue shiz again. Reason i dont play atm is cause i dont wanna do that shiz on normal mode after doing it in HC and dont realy wanna make a HC char again

D3 Seasons were ridiculous.
So much spoon fed to the players. Shortcuts galore.

Level 70 in under an hour, first full set in less than an hour after that, and basically fully geared an hour after that. Then grind for leveling gems and paragon.

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It is crazy. Perhaps seasonal characters will level differently. If you have all altars of lilith your already at a high advantage of speeding through to level 50.

I couldn’t even finish my first character because at level 66 I got the endgame items with 800+ itempower with proper affixes so there was nothing to farm anymore. I could clear level 80+ mobs in nm dungeons (15 levels higher), but no matter how far I got, the items remained the same, worse than what I had. I left the game at level 68, and I asked for a chargeback.

Obviously I won’t play seasons and I wonder who will. What is the point? The campaign is not that interesting to do a 2nd time, and after that, the game is an empty shell of console level mechanics and contradicting design choices.

Also I dislike the anti-ARPG things like the useless openworld, sidequests (why are there even sidequests, can anyone name an interesting one?), renown, altars, etc. So many useless timesinks.

This is not an ARPG. No reason to play seasons. This is a gachaMMO where your character pick decides how far can you go.

It is very slow. Needs more density, but they won’t be doing that any time soon. Hopefully their NM dungeon xp buffs will be enough to pick up the pace a bit. But I think it needs more. The problem is that getting to 100 leaves nothing to do. So the grind is to cover up for that fact.

I could fix this. A lot of people could. Hopefully they do.

regrinding account renoune will be it for me done that twice already one for HC and the other for eternity and it shiz everytime but u need to do it for the paragon points -.-

Yeah don’t think I am going to jump into seasons either. I really wanted to, played most POE and D3 seasons. This one though…renown, density is horrendous (just did a cultist refuge and there are multiple, giant rooms, with 1 maybe 2 enemies in them…what??. Feels unrewarding. RNG is RNG but I have been after a single item (tempest roar) for almost 90 levels and have yet to see it drop. I am doing the “target” based on mob type…but why would I play a season with the hopes of playing a specific build if the item(s) needed to play may potentially never drop…