For some odd reason people like to keep him around for his mercenary work. I tried to cooperate with him and see something good but then he would open his mouth and say some random creeper thing like you’d hear weirdo guys say at a bar or party. Random line of finding things that cannot be found, ugh ok Liam Neeson, you and your very special skill set…
I very much prefer Varyana’s insanity and poor choice of meat type for dinner and, come to think of it, I even prefer little Aldkin and his insecurities over Subo Mr. Drunken Archer Creeper. Btw Raheir is awesome reinforcement.
Now if only blizzard will undo whatever that “stability fix” did that disconnects me every two hours or so life would be peachy
Varyana is the way to go. She may cook you up something questionable, but there’s no doubt she’s got your back and won’t hack you to bits in your sleep. I sleep with one eye open with Subo around.
Let me paint a perfect picture of Subo.
You are about to log onto your character… all excited to play and kick some demonic tushy.
You pick your toon and wait for it to load…
Then as you load in the first thing you hear is Subo say “I don’t like people…. Sigh” and all that excitement just gets blown away by a breeze as you remember you have to listen to the biggest man baby of the year.
For the longest time I was using the Devil Kid as the main hire and Varyana as my reinforcement. I liked the tidal waves of fire he had going. Now I use Raheir as main for the armor bump.
Subo is great! He doesn’t like people, I don’t like people. He shows me where people are, and never complains when I kill them. He even helps sometimes!
Seriously, I wish you could equip his enemy tracking as his reserve skill. It’s so useful that I haven’t even considered any other mercs.
It’s the only thing he’s good for (and it’s very helpful). I’m certainly not getting any help from the Opening Fire buff; I see him launch his volley of Cover Fire arrows after the boss is dead and I’m already looting.