Why doesn't enchantment hydra get increased duration?

they hydra enchantment duration is stuck at 6 seconds and cannot be increased. Why? I don’t understand. It’s a conjuration. Both the hydra aspect and ‘conjuerer’ glyph should increase it’s duration; but it doesn’t for some reason.
follow ups:
-‘enchantment master’ legendary node (which is still quite weak) does not function properly. it should make the hydra enchantment require 160 mana to activate but it is 167.
-why does the tempering +hydra heads only work on ‘cast’ and not the enchantment as well? why would you limit it to just those. we can only cast 2 of them. 3 if we take the hydra aspect.
-hydra aspect is EXTREMELY weak and is 100% obsolete because of the above (it has been a meme aspect from day 1)

limitations, lack of ability to experiment and stuff like this flat out hinders the game. And you’re trying to bleed us for more money in a few months. fat chance.

The sorc enchantments are rife with weird restrictions and interactions that are often unclear. Eg, winterglass can’t trigger from frozen orbs cast from enchantments.