Why doesn't Call of the Ancients activate Furious Upheaval stacks?

“Dealing direct damage to an enemy with a skill that is not Upheaval causes your next cast of Upheaval to deal 20x increased damage, stacking up to 10 times”

The Ceh rune with spirit wolf summons will stack it, but CotA doesn’t? Why?

maybe, just maybe, because of Madawc? :smile:

Honestly, this is probably true. The Ancients from CoTA and Echoes of the Ancients benefit from your stats and Aspects.

Furious Upheaval needs to be completely redesigned however. It just does not feel good and it is hard to offset being able to spam Upheaval. It should instead stack Attack Speed and Damage as you use Upheaval.

The alternative with Violent Upheaval is god awful. If anything, Violent Upheaval should be Overpower focused to synergize with Sundered Ground.

Indeed, I have to focus quite a bit on attack speed for my Bash/Upheaval build to feel halfway decent. With the “Bash cleaves” temper (strike multiple enemies at once to immediately activate Combat Bash) and Cir or Igni/Ceh runes however, you’ll be consistently critting full Furious Upheaval overpowers, as multiple wolves are constantly out and attacking.

I shouldn’t need to use this rune though - no logic I can see would dictate that CotA not perform in the exact same way. I mean, ults are supposed to be harder to activate anyway without investing in CDR, yet it’s easier for me to just slap on a rune and get full Upheaval stacks while the ult remains useless for that purpose. And they’re both summons, ffs.

Anyway, it’s very likely an oversight which needs correcting, but I haven’t heard any discussion about it because most people probably aren’t playing Upheaval endgame.

CoTA is also not generating Fury without a peep from Blizzard, amongst a whole host of verified bugs. Considering they went to lengths to change all of the Summons to a Pet Tag and buffed CoTA, you would think it would at the very least function. That is just about of low of a bar as you can get.

Meanwhile, I am sitting here hoping an Ancestral Charge, Ancestral Echo, CoTA, Bindings, with Hellhammer and Summon Runes would be a thing.