Why does it feel so boring?

I don’t know…I’ve tried to do that on both my rogue and druid, but I eventually had to look up icy veins so that combat didn’t put me to sleep. At least on my Rogue I inadvertently had an endgame barrage build. All I had to do was swap poison imbuement for shadow, switch from Forceful Arrow to Puncture, and change my Key Passive to make it feel less of a slog. Practically became a new game.

At this point, the skills and classes just aren’t created equal yet. The balance is way off.

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needs leaderboards
competetion of some sort
anything rlly

It kind of baffles me that they would launch seasons without leaderboards. Even worse, they said maybe by season 3. That should be a priority. Part of the fun is the competition.

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Because the game is a cheap American Lost Ark clone with no raids, no real PvP, no economy. The endgame is pointless.


The problem with playing off-meta builds is that most of them are just flat out slower.
There are definitely some sleeper builds you can eventually enable that will pump some pretty solid numbers, but early and mid game is sluggish across the board unless you get extremely lucky with loot.

On top of that, there’s still no incentive to play another character. No XP buffs, no shared renown, no “twink” end game GG items like PoE’s Tabula Rasa that you can use on any fresh character.


I find the main story pretty blend.
Like there is no major check point. Feels like I’m just running around trying to find Lilith.
Unlike previous Diablo which had bosses to look forward to and you knew what you were going for in that act.

Now, You’re just dropped in that world killing monster to no particular end.
They certainly got the dark theme right but no real story line to hold it together.

Quite disappointed.
Blizzard North had it right.

not an MMO??? hate to break this to you but yes it is an MMO. its an MMOARPG your blinders are on if you cant see that.

if it wasnt. you would never see other players in the open world. it would be more like poe where you see players in towns and thats it. and soon to be last epoch once they put town hubs back in after fixing an issue with it

I don’t think you know what Massively Multiplayer means.
16 people on your server shard is hardly “massive”.


those are MMO aspects. if this wasnt one you wouldnt see any players or be able to just join them in a fight.

those are multiplayer aspects, you can have multiplayer without it being MMO, lol.
It’s a Mildly Multiplayer game if anything

so then where the option to play alone in the world? if thats the case. you cant. as in like POE you still see players but not in the world maps

this is a forced thing. which makes this an MMO there are alot of players calling it just that. and it is.

same thing can go for MMOs just cause theres only 16 players in a shard doesnt make not one in this type of game.

There is no end-game. pvp, the only maybe end-gaqme is dead now and there is nothing else to do after reaching 100. of coruse, I am not playing seasons to do again and again and again the same stuff from 0.
thwey need to add GreaterRifts with leaderboards.

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You’d think the developers would’ve caught on, but they haven’t.

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I would love some region vs region combat. Each zone could have its own army (the players) who fight for control of the fortresses for territory. Kind of like old school Dark Age of Camelot but with Diablo lore.

LOL! Maybe a VMARPG (vaguely multiplayer ARPG). There is no real group content, just optional WB and legion events.

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It feels boring because there are no actual goals in the game. Hitting 100 won’t change the game; it will be the same as hitting 50 or 75. Power gains are short-lived to the point where you need to put in hours or days to jump in damage just because that one build enabling unique finally dropped, and once you do, there is nothing to do in the game anymore. Season itself doesn’t bring anything to the table; it’s the same dungeon farm, not to mention a bad copy of PoE Harvest League. The hardest thing about a season is getting a key for good loot. I won’t even bother talking about bosses and such; it is stout pillars to see some ramped-up damage numbers in one place. I don`t even know why they think doing chores in dungeons is a fun activity. Grab the key, collect souls, brig rock on the table, kill the boss, and every single one of them has the same thing. Anyway, everyone feels the same way, but instead of doing something about it, they try to “balance” classes. My game crashes every time I meet someone because I need to load the damn bank of everyone around me. Nah, it’s fine; we invest time in adjusting CDs and power.


i thought i was the only one who was bored after 1 week…IM just waiting for d2r season to start or D3 season to drop

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I think the pace is just too slow. Dungeons have a lot of dead space. It’s like being stuck on Greater Rift level 5 in D3, but worse because you often end up backtracking through mostly empty halls to find the one last bit of anima or whatever and then back again to the end.

Even small stuff like doing anything in town or advancing quest just has over-deliberateness about it, like pauses or animations on the way in and out.

It took a while for D3 to find its way, I’m hoping that similarly D4 eventually gets refined into a more compelling experience.

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Blizzard Diablo Team should play some MMORPG like Ragnarok (RO Online) or the not so good Classic Maple Story, and find out what is FUN inside and implement the FUN IDEAS in da future Game Updates/Patches Improvement/Expansion Pack

So far D3 pisses all over D4 for fun. Just my 2 cents worth

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