Why does it feel so boring?

Trees? cammon lets be real, thats an Twig…

D3 is at the back of a big queue of ARPGs that piss all over D4.

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Every class is actually a full time farmer class. After lvl 20, if u want to progress it’s farm farm farm. And mind u, farming got nerfed. Folks like me has 1hr every other day and progress is imperceptible.

Also add the time spent tping back to town to sort and sell the rares you find. Feels like the recent patch upped the drop rate where I’m having to TP back mid dungeon with full ancestrals.

In D2 the maps were all random.

When you killed bosses there was the chance of upgrades for your main or alts.

I played it for a few years and I had a blast.

D4 was uninstalled 10 hours in.


Look into Grim Dawn.

I have 500+ hours on Grim Dawn and almost 1000 on Last Epoch, those 2 games draw you in and keep you enthralled for literally days or weeks at a time, I never really get the ‘wtf am i doing here’ feeling with them. I get that feeling after 25 minutes with d4


game is very unfinished, itemization is some of the worst any ARPG ever released with.
End game? there is no end game.

If they don’t revamp the entire itemization, and completely build an endgame worth hundred of hours for s2 i think we got another D3 on our hand.
Well i’ll be happy for the 10k people that will continue to grind their battle passes.

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Gotta say I feel the same. I even fell asleep multiple times playing the game, literally. I had planned to play D4 for a long time(I played D3 for years), but it already started to feel boring. I haven’t played much at all in season 1, and it’s just not compelling. I don’t even want to log in…

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one might expect that without leaderboards or ladders, the loot would be amazeballs to make up for it. quite the opposite…

actually its the opposite its made for the hardcore player that plays 12 hours a day they can actually put the time in to deal with the ridiculous cooldowns and lack of excitement

the dad gamer is gonna get bored after his first session

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The guy who says it’s a load of small things adding up to make a sub-par experience is correct. Plus the glaring issue of itemisation and the horrible zoomed-in look.

I loved levelling - the freshness of it, the combat, the artwork and the sounds. However, i’s not enough. From 80-90 I didn’t upgrade a single item, despite my playtime probably being as much as from 1-80. There are so many things wrong with the game that I don’t even know where to start, but it boils down to me having no desire to roll an alt or no desire to log in to my main to farm or kill mobs for fun.


The would need to do that to get to D3

There’s no reason to play because there is nothing good that will ever drop. All the gear is mediocre so what is the incentive to even try to get to level 100? And then if you manage to get to 100, then what is there to look forward to? Doing the same exact stuff you’ve done for the last 50 levels for the same exact mediocre drops that will never be exciting. There’s no “Holy [beep]!” moments and you never feel powerful. It’s an endless treadmill of mind-numbing boredom.


Why does it feel so boring?

…because it is.

It is just a bunch of formulaic loops. Even the terrain is just formulaic loops. Boring unmemorable stuff. The music is white noise in the background. Not an engaging epic soundtrack. The entire game feels cut and paste and not fresh.


Yes, I cook but I still find that if I use the same ingriedents over and over, I get bored of them. I love the side quests but they have now disappeared from map (I haven’t completed them all). I expected more after 10 years.

no crazy monsters! all look the same only about 30 monster types and only 8 bosses


D4 isnt a flop in any sense of the word. The problem of why the game feels boring is that the endgame has Nightmare Dungeons as the main activity with Helltides being the second activity you do all the way to level 100. There are no other activities that provide meaningful character progression so you are stuck in this endless boring loop of doing the same 2 activities over and over and over.

The only fix to this issue is to add more endgame activities to do that are different in playstyle to Nightmare Dungeons but provide an equivelant progression path to Nightmare Dungeons. Meaning that they need to be able to level up your glyphs and provide similar experience gain for time invested in the activity. Not just 1 more new activity either. There needs to be at least 3 more activities to prevent burnout until max level.

for the time and money the devs did a very bad job coming up with this unimaginable game. (not sure it should be called game tho…)

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