Why does Diablo 2 feel more enjoyable

Not sure what people still like about D2(R). I’m old enough to have played every Diablo at launch and D2 was decent when it came out but it has aged incredibly poorly imo.

I recently played through D2R with a frost Sorceress and wow was it ever boring as hell. The set of skills/abilities was extremely limited so 99% of the time it was just LMB and RMB. Yawn.

And the drops were complete garbage. Most rare items weren’t even usable for my Sorceress. I’m not sure if I even saw a single legendary until Mr. Diablo himself. I don’t think so… it was simply extremely boring.

It was the most monotonous clickfest ever with the limited skill set and the loot plain sucked. I finished the OC but then quit shortly before the end of Act V (LoD expansion) when I was killed by those ancient dudes and never looked back. What a boring slog that game is… it was decent in Y2K but it doesn’t stand the test of time at all.

You can, you just gotta play Druid. It’s bugged and you drop barb uniques.

Because its a better game with better mechanics

Nostalgia is the answer. I never loved D2, it was actually a terrible game at release imo. Really bad balance, very ugly sprites, buggy as heck. The expansion made it a lot better but it still always felt kind of like a clunky mess. I was also very disappointed that they moved to more of a RPG style game and less of a rogue-like which is what Diablo 1 was.

D3 was a better basic game than D2 it is just they never went anywhere with D3, it was just way too shallow of a game and they never put in the time to actually make it better. I have no comment on D4 yet because it is just too early. I do find that it is lacking in that ‘one more turn’ type of gameplay. Usually the better new games keep me up too late at night because it is so fun I don’t notice how late it got, I do not get that at all with D4 yet.

you can’t trade in the game because there is nothing worthy of trading, the items are so boring it’s a huge joke

Unironically yes. A testament to how much better D2 is than D4. I would rather foottraffick Meph with my friggin poison necro, or hork bodies in The Pit 1000 times identifying random uniques than do another monotonous NM dungeon with crap aesthetics and itemization.

Yes, nostalgia is still the answer when thousands upon thousands of people are still actively playing a decade+ old game. Many of which have already abandoned ship on this new model to go back to it. Lmao I always find this cope extremely funny when people try to employ it

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Claims to have played D2 and calls Uniques legendaries. LMAO. It’s always funny when people literally jump into threads to type up long LARPs and lie about their experiences. Holy cringe Batman.

Had to get your unique small charm, diablo clone. Torch runs.
It was actually time consuming to reach max level, in D4 you have folks abusing party to pump levels. Cow run, baal and chaos runs. You have the Pit and some other holes to farm high end gear.
The other great thing about Diablo 2, they didn’t pigeon hole you what you wanted to do late game. I only can do dungeons late game, and I must find a party to do so.

Everything is fixable if they choose to or if they want to be stubborn but again with the amount of people on this team and the funding that gets poured into it, we all should really expect more than a beta release for the official release. That isn’t right. Season 1 is the true release of the game.

Cool way of saying you sold stuff on JSP at the start of ladder

D2 has useful items at all tiers.

White items with the perfect inherent rolls like assassin skill claws, pala resist shields, necro wands can turn into godly items with the right sockets.

Magic items can roll jeweler mods to provide the extra sockets you need.

Crafted items to get that faster cast rate or life leech on that items along with other random stats.

Rare items providing absurd triple resists and other mods.

Uniques that felt worth getting. Sure there are useless ones. But for simply getting a unique that works for your class and having +3 skills is a joy. Or you may even make a class just to enjoy the unique.

Unfortunately in D4, I just scour through my inventory. Sell all normal and magic. Sort out by item power. Then sells out anything below a certain item power.

TLDR it is a treasure hunt in d2

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I don’t usually try to compare it to D2 because people will attack you and call you a boomer or something … or nostalgic, like you can’t have a real opinion, and I don’t even dislike D4, but even to this day getting on D2R just feels good. of course I will get bored…like I only played D2R for 1-2 months, but just because it is an (new) old game, doesn’t mean it did everything worse. people, and devs especially, should concede D2 got some things right…might help improve systems going forward. learn from the past. the good and the bad.

I could see interns doing that OR people that are pursuing an internship. Give them your battle tag on the resume’ and boom its like extra-curricular blizzard brownie points

I could use those green text mvp guys doing that…

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The devs should absolutely be playing d2, and other arpg games for inspiration. If I set out to make a Western style movie, I’m sure as hell going to watch all the Western classics for inspiration before filming. Instead you have developers like Jay Wilson who thought everything about d2 was bad and refused to use it’s systems like a badge of honor. Getting strong vibes from the D4 team doing the same thing. Did they even play d2r? PoE? Grim Dawn? Titan Quest? I doubt it.

Because you can pull the whole dungeon and kill everything at once. that’s why I loved that game during 90s

It’s not the better iteration by any standard besides graphics.

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everything you do in diablo 2 feels valuable because there is trading.

everything you have and don’t have in diablo 4 is because some arbitrary decision making randomizer decided this is who you should be.

You can’t even trade with your party members.

If i’m running a group of 4 rouges, we should be able to trade off our items in like a 30min period of time window? Wasn’t this a thing in Diablo 3?

Bruh, a big problem with D4 right now if that rares are arguably too potentially good so you have to look at every rate drop or you might be missing something valuable, except maybe 1 in 500 rares is something you might care about so it feels tedious. Most people would rather have higher rarities be better - people want to be excited to see a unique, and arguably they probably want to get excited when they see green text as well.

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