Why do so many people want D4 to be more like D3?

Seems like many of the complainers want D3 with better graphics:
A few list of complaints:

  1. Combat is too slow
  2. I can’t one-shot things
  3. There shouldn’t be any respec cost
  4. Gold costs are too high

I realize there are also complainers that are saying that this is just D3 with better graphics too or that D3 graphics are better.
Reading posts, sometimes it seems like there are 3 versions of the game out there :slight_smile:

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TBF a lot of people just want D2 with better graphics. I think D4 draws heavily from both and is stronger for it. There isn’t much to the core game loop I’d change or the supporting systems. Just one or two things that pick at me, personally.


The only thing I want from Diablo 3 is the crusader class. Otherwise I was not a big fan of D3. It’s a nice game but didn’t have that diablo feel to it. This one, however does and they went heavy metal on the dark fantasy element which D3 neglected. Game looks great, I love the new animations, nothing too fancy or too flashy. Only downside, like I said, no crusader.

I don’t want it to be like D3 I want it to be its own game. D3 is fun for what it is which is a fast paced hack n’ slash dungeon grinder. D4 seems a more challenging game requiring different build strats and allows for seemingly fun and vast build diversity.

D4 is different than D3, but it’s also a lot like it. Many of the fundamental aspects of d4 work a lot like D3.

A vast majority of players have no memory of a time before d3. All they know is modern all gas no brakes gameplay. They have been trained to reach end game and nothing else matters by blizzard for the last 20 years. Dopamine receptors are fried by social media and modern entertainment being so powerful and ubiquitous. Very few people are capable of stopping and smelling the roses any longer.

Hopefully blizzard doesn’t listen to them, this has been the most refreshing diablo gameplay since I was a teen. The atmosphere is great, the music is great. The dreary towns of people struggling just to survive the cold, it sets the mood just right.
Combat is more visceral and hits feel meaty and impactful. The nock of arrows or the barb swinging his hammer. It’s all so good, but it’s the complete opposite of what people have been trained for the last 10 years what diablo is supposed to be.
I just hope blizzard doesn’t betray us and quickly turn the game back into a d3 clone shortly after launch.

  1. It’s not, even in D3 it started slow and got quicker at end game with more skills and gear. With 2x dash skill and 2x spacebar evade, and the stealth skill I took I zoom around and still kill things pretty much instantly on my melee rogue.

  2. By 15 my melee rogue instantly kills normal mobs on veteran and I can speed through everything but the big bosses just like I did in rifts on D3.

  3. I know there are lots of people who disagree with me on this, but I love gold sinks in games. I don’t like how you have unlimited gold in D3 once you get going at the end game. At the point we are in the game, respec costs are so cheap that they are irrelevant. Perfect time for us to respec constantly to find the builds we like.

  4. It is kinda high early on, which makes buying anything pointless as you will spend 1/2 - 1/4 of your gold for one cheap blue item. To be fair rather than selling my extra loot I always just scrapped it for resources or I would have more gold.

I love the art style personally and how much darker the world is. Makes it feel more immersive and deadly than in D3.

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I played D3 when it first came out but haven’t played it in a long time. To me, D4 feels too much like D3. I don’t see how it’s all that much different. I was hoping D4 would innovate more. Especially for $70 friggen dollars. IMO this feels like too much of the same and I will be refunding it.

I also feel like this is too much of a single-player game. I loved Diablo 2 playing with other players. And this also feels WAY too easy, even on tier 2.

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I definitely don’t.

What I want is D2 with better graphics, but the change that the remake doesn’t offer me is that I wanted a toggle for shared-loot. The snatch-and-grab that is D2 in pub games sucks, always had, always will.

I’d rather have a D2 with better graphics and new content, but I will certainly settle for a non-P2W Lost Ark. Game is a 6/10 for me right now, but if end game is about trading rares you imprint, it could go 9/10.

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So you want to kill the same 3 bosses, remake the game, and kill the same 3 bosses? Or kill the same boss thousands of times to reach max level? All for no loot, because drop rates were abysmal and 99% of players with the best gear paid real money for it.

That sounds really engaging, I have no idea why Blizzard won’t do it.

Okay… please tell us how D4 resembles D2 in any way aside from in name. Because it doesn’t.

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. The loot drops aren’t bad in full 8 player game, the problem was that when something dropped somebody else would likely grab it.

I want the 8-player loot scaling to stay the same but for each individual player to receive their own instanced-loot drops, like it is in diablo 3.

also increase the D2 loot drops slightly if you want, I’m fall for it, I always thought the droprates were a little rough.