Why capping previously uncapped paragon nodes to x40% hurts some more than others

A season 4 incinerate sorcerer perspective.

When you have classes that count their damage in the billions and others that can barely hit 1 million, capping paragon nodes equally for all classes is inconsequential for the billionaires but a gigantic nerf for the 6 figure damage dealers.

Just a thought in case the crowd saying “but the burning instincts cap is the same as the cap for all classes” hadn’t figured that out for themselves.


This is true, but it just underscores that Blizzard need to keep nerfing things, until you dont have that billions vs. million difference either.

The game needs a complete numbers and scaling reset, so Blizzard can get a second chance of balancing things. The current scaling is unsalvageable.

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I love Incinerate and even with a Flamescar in S4 it’s pretty awful.

I saw they are buffing Combustion but nerfing other things. The skill needs so much love and IDK why they are so afraid to give it.

Well one fundamental issue that pumps Barb is that they can get way more main stat / damage bonuses than everyone else because of the extra slots. So capping the value of main stat / damage bonuses is one way to balance that across classes. They can always adjust the cap on specific nodes if they want to buff specific builds.

Incinerate has to be one of the strangest skills but at the same time it could very well be the baseline model for what this game could use for a big ol’ numbers crunch.

Meanwhile it needs to be reworked for the current state of the game:
It needs to scale with APS
It needs to be able to crit
It needs to actually be able to IGNITE enemies so they burn - it’s pretty sad Firebolt enchantment is mandatory to ignite enemies when we’re literally cooking them with a flamethrower.

That’s the short list - but otherwise astute observation and point made.

Agreed. I think in general, they should make it so that channeling skills actually just count as re-casting the skill each time you spend the resource. The whole burning damage but not as a DoT thing is pretty weird with incinerate.

That’s where APS comes into play.
The game constantly runs checks - so with eg. A(1 aps) B(1.5 aps) & C(2 aps) breakpoints the game checks more frequently for LH, Crit, CControl as well as DPS itself ‘ticking’ with greater frequency.
Also - Allowing for the Skill to IGNITE and subsequently Burn will add supplemental DPS between the check times and open up an Enchantment slot, allow for other synergy and most importantly - the wide array of DoT conditionals.

So yea…
What exactly does it work with? What Gems? Amethysts? Do I stack “Damage with Burning”?
Why exactly does Rogue Poison and Sorc Burn DOTs NOT Crit when Barb Bleeds can crit for 1-3 BILLION & Scale with APS?

Some things just make no sense.

And to add insult to injury, the firebolt enchant can’t be triggered by Incinerate because it procs off direct damage.

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Well hie me to damnation…

I’ve been running FBolt enchantment ASSUMING Incinerate was at, the very least, pseudo direct damage.

So lemme get this straight:
APS = :x:
Crit = :x:
DD = :x: (direct damage)
Do [% Damage] values work?
Procs or lack thereof I should be aware of?
I mean it has an inbuilt Crowd Ctrl but I assume it doesn’t meet a plethora of conditions for other CCs effects?

To the next level.

I can’t wrap my head around it.
A skill that requires Stopping. Standing still for a 3 second DPS ramp-up(for dps and maintaining eHP) in a game that punishes standing still and is not allowed the ABCs of DPS built into the core of the game.
What even comes close to the required playstyle in the whole game?
Many restrictions, conditions, no standard DPS parameters and it’s quite a dangerous anti-mobile skill.

Yeah no main stat stacking build sadge