Why are so many ARPGs priced at $35.99

Right now diablo is on sale for that much but I’ve noticed a lot of ARPGs are pricing themselves at this price point not $60 or $70 why do yall think this is?

No rest for the wicked $35.99
Last Epoch $35.99
V rising $35.99

None of the $35.99 titles are developed as AAA titles by known studios.

Blizzard got $70 for D4 because it’s DIABLO and it’s Blizzard. They sold what? 10m copies? Any of those other listed titles would drool over 1m sales.


Ease of entry for lesser known games when you get down to it.

Blizzard has notoriety, for better or for worse. People know the Blizzard brand literally world wide. Sure the game has had increasing sales since its launch, but they’ve already made the majority of their money through the pre-order and launch sales. At this point any extra money trickling in is pennies comparatively.

Last Epoch and Vrising are made by small indie developers. They don’t have cult followings and they want people to play their games. It’s hard to justify that kind of price tag on a brand new developer no one’s ever heard of before. Not saying they couldn’t charge extra, but they probably wouldn’t get as many sales because of it.

Also not saying D4 was worth the $70 price tag either, don’t get me wrong. However more people were definitely willing to pay that price from a well known gaming development studio.


whats more interesting to me is: Why do you care? Do you work for any of those publishers and are you doing a survey?

Jokes aside, companies businesses arent players businesses. Buy a game, or dont.


Coasting on the name they made 20 years ago.


and you fell for it. jokes on you bob.


See you in Season 4, Bob!



Some people just make it too easy when they walk right into it. :+1:

Or on the forum doing what he does best. :cry: :crying_cat_face: :sob:


That is what supply & demand has decided that the price should be at for the time being.

Wonder if AI could make a good game… maybe in the future. xD

This is like asking why an NFL game costs more to attend than a High School Football game.

No Rest For the Wicked = Early Access game
Last Epoch = Early Access game
V Rising = Early Access game.
All the above released by indie studios. Last Epoch finally got a full release after five years of development.

D4 - A full release game as part of a well known franchise by a well known studio.

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Why is Prairie Farms products more expensive than Great Value? Because Prairie Farms is a brand name and GV is the store brand. People will pay for the better known brand even if they know the other one might be just as good but cheaper.

I’m not sure why we need to explain this.


small studios, small team… everything is small in those games.

Diablo4 has 3 teams of 200 people each dude.
1 team is developing the new expansion
1 team develop seasons 1, 3, 5 and so on
1 team develop season 2, 4, 6 …

There also a support team (i hope so lol)

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I’m trying to figure out why you’re bringing this up? Is this a complaint that games are cheaper?

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because nobody would buy them, aghm…

and btw…

bob was here, I saw him

It’s just a question

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99 upside down is 66
66+6=666 mark of the devil
35 two odd numbers, last one cancels itself out
we’re left with 3
triangle has 3 corners

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Because many games especially suck nowadays.

AAA games yes. These are the days of indie games.


These are the days of all games sucking.