Why are people so mad about slow levelling?

Cap was super easy to get I got my hardcore WWbarb to level 72 soling everything by 3rd day of release after I saw people exploiting bugged group dungeon mechanics amoung other things I said screw it still managed to get to 78 wt4 nm+40 but decided to let it rot in select screen might as well play softcore.

Kek you guys are acting like you’re the type of sweaty gamer that was going to grind out XP farms with 4 man teams for 12 hour blocks at a time.
If you were you’d be at like 90+ right now.

I did the solo hardcore grind to 78 in less than 10 days so theres that kek kek back at ya

Good pace. Why all the salt then?

Well I’m 91 solo, without playing much at all the last 2 days. Just went ham early on. Getting real boring real fast. Plus got a dispute in the works.

There needs to be a better way to try and get uniques haha X_X like a vendor we sell our old ones we don’t want or to be able to salvage them for mats to try and create one for a build we’re interested in…being 95 on a druid and not only having bugged loot (barb 2h maces for days) but not seeing certain uniques at all during the entire grind fest 1-95(almost 96 :#) makes trying different builds impossible like having Tempest Roar…and being stuck to just the one build during the entire play through makes customization pretty dry I understand RNG but dang this feels rough.

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Other than the Lilith encounter… the main reason many of us want 100 is so we can beat Lilith and stop playing. It’s a ridiculous grind just to clear all the content in the game.

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It is the instant gratification culture. I personally don’t care if the grind is long. My problem is the dungeons get boring with the tedious dungeon tasks you must do over and over and over. I want action, not chores…


I’ve seen few people actually mad. One questioning whether they’ll find it fun repeatedly leveling (as things are now) does not make one mad.

Levelling to 100 doesn’t unlock OP gear, it doesn’t unlock new set of quests, it doesn’t unlock anything new.

Paragon points, and the game has a system in which you take more damage from and deal less damage to enemies higher level than you, so it’s imperative to get to level 100 to try and push the highest tier nightmare dungeons.

Ah yess the good old defenses DR but no CC DR.

Genius devs.

Games like Diablo or Texas Hold’em have house rules for Diablo 4 its the EULA for Texas Hold’em its the House when you discover that the house dealer or Blizzard is in on the scam its best to just fold.

as a POE player, D4’s leveling isn’t as bad. At least you don’t use like 10% for dying in D4.

nobody talking abt how lvling to 99 in d2 is so much more difficult than d4. and u literally can only run baal to get xp.


Its not even slow tho. I’m lvl 94 now and I’m not feeling any burnout. I think most of the people complaining about the slog are the ones spamming regular dungeons as that would get super tiresome fast. Im just doing my thing, pushing NM and farming helltides.

Should there be more endgame content? Yes
Are there a ton of things to fix? Yes

But spam running the same things over and over again would get boring for anyone. Just pace yourself bros.


Personally not annoyed about the slowness, more annoyed about actions or lack of actions from Blizzard. They seem to bypass their “compliance console requirements” when wanting to remove fun or anything that helps players progress at a rate they do not care for, but here we are with shhittons of bugs and ability issues/balancing needs and that somehow has to wait for season 2. Example, tonight a vid was released on how to farm resplend chests in a NMD with never-ending waves and they hot fixed it. They are obviously paying attention but only act on whatever slows us down and takes fun away. Really annoys the crap out of me about this company.

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I also enjoy the slow levelling process, reminds me of the good old D2 days. D3 was like Diablo on steroids and sucked the life out of the RPG journey IMO.

That said, there is a void that could be filled with a few more Echo bosses as farming options (loot tables) and a WT5 that made world events more challenging and rewarding as you get into the 80+ level category.

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Right because it dropped while you were still going through the leveling phase. Which is why some people are not to happy with how long it takes to get through the leveling phase.

Diablo 2 took 5500 baal runs to get from 90-99. This is without dying a single time, which towards the end of the grind would add hundreds of more runs to this total. To get to 90 took about 3-5 days. The absolute fastest runners take about 200+ hours to reach this. How is this insanely fast?

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Yes, it’s everything the masses asked for…

Case in point. Mob density. The masses asked for a lack of mob density!

Hurray they gave the masses what they want!


Because in every other ARPG there is a power curve as you level where you progressively feel more and more powerful with each level.

In Diablo 4 since monsters scale with you, you do not feel this in any capacity.

The length of time to kill Elias at level 30 is the same as at level 50, 60, 70, because he becomes stronger to match your strength.

There is no variation in the fights, it feels like you doing the EXACT same thing 1000s of times over. Yes ARPGs are repetitive; but this is next level.

You’re leveling just to level

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