Who still remembers this old Diablo 1 exploit?

Was looking at multi-boxing and exploits then I remember this haha
Good old days.

Pssh. What a nub a duping =D

Diablo 1 had more exploits than I could count. I remember copying other player’s characters to see if they were cheating. Negative Health, Immortal mode. Finger of God, Superimposing item stats like Gnarled Root onto rings for +600% damage.

I remember I found the first dupe exploit on accident by click on an item while going through a portal. That version was later patched out but this one survived.

In Diablo 1 cheating was rampant on Battlenet pretty much across the board. Like people wearing Indestructible Godly Plate of the Whale (for youngsters, the game only generated one special ability both before and after the generic “Plate” in this example. “Godly” and “Indestructible” are mutually exclusive. There can be only one.

If you died in Diablo 1, you dropped all of your gear and inventory. There was no stash. All that you carried in your inventory was all that persisted. You could drop things in town, which basically was your stash.

So you had to prioritize.

Which you then had to recover while the mobs that killed you were standing over it. If you were alone when that happened, your only chance of recovering it was to have back up gear that you dropped in town. When that failed, your only hope was to have a friend who would help you. I will never forget when my sister called me at 3 AM, when I had to work the next day, to help her recover her gear. Of course, I helped her.

These types of issues led to the formation of “Legit Clans”, where the one I joined required an inspection of all of our gear, before you could join. However gold duping, as in the video link, would not have been noticed. Because it was immaterial compared to the gear.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I’m bored waiting for D4 to be released. Which I imagine a lot of us posting here now are.

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Cool story bro.

Pics or it didnt happen

I remember having an axe that would fire arrows when you swing it and having to dupe it for all my friends, because they wouldn’t stop pestering me about it :sweat_smile:

I barely remember what I did yesterday.


The gold dupe killed the game for me.