Where is the old unique reworks?

Vasily and tempest roar having useless resistance affix,
Cronestaff needs a huge buff
Waxing gibbous, hunters zenith needs buff

None of these uniques are addressed??

Then what should we test on ptr lol


in season 5, i also understood that the changes they mentioned in the campfire chat were going to be present in the PTR but they are not.

I’d say Hunter’s Zenith is already pretty good due to the passives on it.

Zenith would be pretty good since thunderstruck is now capped. Agreed on the rest though, especially the Crone they did it so dirty.

Druid uniques are in desperate need of updates. How they went to a PTR without addressing one of the Druid’s biggest issues is beyond me.

resistance is the only useful affix on tempest bro, all the others are pure big 0. vasily at least has max life if i remember correctly.