Honestly after this out of touch fool tried to brush off criticism by calling it “the vocal minority”… I lost all faith in this game turning around anytime soon.
The best medicine for this game is to have Rod put on anything else but D4 asap.
Yeah Rod! Where’s our sugar???
We apologise for having expectations, can we have our candy now?
Rod Fergusson has no clue what makes a fun game. Thanks for ruining the gears of war franchise too, Rod.
The mistake Blizz keeps making is that they listen to and engage with a bunch of addicts that will never be happy.
i also have to say i dont think anyone expects medicine if they go to a candy store to buy candy, that statement was just dumb imo
Yea the D4 dev team has more than proven they’re talentless hacks, with no clue about how to make a fun engaging arpg. The rot starts at the head, but at this point throw them all out.
Don’t you guys have candy?
But that’s not really what he said. That’s just the part you and people like you latched onto.
Oh really? Then can you please tell me what your take was?
I understand your point but you are in a T82 dungeon at level 85. The one shot mechs are definitely too much, but is it something you could mitigate with another 56 paragon points between defensive nodes and another glyph? You’ve got plenty of damage there that I can see.
Also at 50+ levels you are pushing rather than speed farming. If you dropped the tier by 30 you could blast it with your eyes closed. The gear is all the same anyway which is a serious problem. Pushing harder content for what ends up being a worse reward isn’t even medicine, it’s poison.
Good pints about ground FX being way too cluttered, occultist roll costs are a straight up scam.
No sugar until you take your medicine and eat your vegetables!
The candy is at the end of his malignant tunnel. Just reach in and grab it.
My damage mitigation is basically done, the only thing is health pool from leveling.
Heres a clip of me pvping with like 6.8k hp from yesterday, with no immune phases. Damage is broken due to how the scaling works with player levels. I can literally change nothing on my build and in pvp, in 5 levels one shot the same player in the same build. Scaling is one biggest problems, the game has, since it breaks core combat mechanics several different ways.
normal hp is like minimal double what I have in the clip for level 100.
What I think you are missing or don’t remember is that at your level, in fact, you are taking even more damage from monsters because of the calcs for armor and its reduction (of damage).
Edit.: i may be wrong and someone will call me out, but im quite sure this is your problem, op.
0:53 skill issue mate
Also… take a look at this.
(numbers and numbers but if i remember right, at some point he will give you tips about how much armor you should have at the levels above 80.)
Which is one of the reasons why scaling in this game is horrendous. Most games have figured out, you scale low levels up to the same power as max level, so they can play together, or you don’t scale them at all.
D4 works, both by scaling players, aspects, procs, etc… both down and up, and gets even weirder in different world tiers and between various levels. It straight up breaks core combat mechanics. And with how aspects / procs are handled in this game, is a crap shoot until you test which way they go.
Take a look at dodge chance in pvp as a lower level player fighting a higher level player. You can have perfect rolls and a dodge elixir active, but your dodges dont do anything, because the player is higher level than you and dodge is basically non effective against higher level enemies (they are a few interactions that are broken and work more than they should). At level 60 you can have 825+ 12%ish dodge against close, but that stat is essnetially removed from your gear when you fight someone over 5 levels. And if those enemies are stacking dodge chance themselves, your attacks will basically never land. even surpassing breakpoints with attack speed on stun locked target, you miss every attack.
No. It’s a holiday weekend followed by a short work week. No candy until halloween.
What build is this specifically or what build are you basing if from? If Bulwark is your main damage dealer then you may want to look more into injured bulwark. The rolls you can get for DR while injured are the strongest DR rolls you can get in the game. If you have the DR while injured and running around at full health the mitigation will never kick in because you go from healthy to dead and those affixes are wasted.
I remember watching video from Rob running both variants and he was getting one shot a lot more often with the non injured version. As soon as he switched to the injured bulwark he took virtually no damage. He still mentioned a few mechanics that would one shot him like exploding fire enemies, or the tusked chargers.
You will still gain armor points as you level as well through strength gains plus whatever strength nodes you have to pass though. Theoretically you would be gaining resistances as well but those are broken. I still think you can find more DR though glyphs.
Werewolf can give you 10% in form
Undaunted 10% scaled with fortify
Territorial 15% from close
Protector 15% with barrier
I mean your build looks close, solve the one shots or at least find a way to make them less frequent and you can reach into the candy jar whenever you darn well please.
Good luck!