Where is barb arsenal selection feature?

You used to be able to assign skills to weapons. A middle mouse click option appeared when you hovered over. Doesn’t seem to be a feature anymore, unless I’m missing something. Looks like I’m stuck with a super slow lunging strike where I have to wait a second and some change for the animation to finished before I can hop into WW. Which feels very very clunky.

Do the quest at level 15 then shift +s or c.

edit: it can’t be done from the skill tree. Has to be done in the other abilities window, whatever that’s called – the one you press S on the keyboard to open, but there’s no indication from the UI that the panel exists at all. That one.

old: I did the quest for the expertise panel to assign a technique. I’m talking about this feature from beta that’s not there anymore. No middle mouse option:

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same issue here, done the quest but everything stuck on auto.

You should be able to do it from level 1 on the skills bar which is defaulted to the “S” hotkey.

ah so i can thank you for that.

i dont understand that…
only when you’re level 1 that you could do that ??
what if we leveling to 50+ and already unlocked the arsenal system …?

It’s available at level 1, meaning you can do it starting at level 1 and continue doing it that way forever.