Where do Stygian Stones drop in Season 5?

Last season we did pits to get stones, but I’ve done about 80 pit runs and the last 60 over level 90 and 0 stone drops, so I’m guessing they don’t drop there any more.


yes they drop in pit, but infernal hordes is a much better place to farm stones. farmed over 100 running t7 hordes past couple days

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Must be nice playing the class that actually gets to do that, huh?


i have all 5 classes leveled and can do it with every single one. so far this season i have spent the most time playing my druid, but i am enjoying my ww barb

And how many Ubers does your “totally fine” Barb need to be anywhere near as effect as your Sorc or Druid, again

only 1 more than my sorc


Stop treating your character like your room. Clean that trash and find a better build and stop crying like a bich


ah, so stones can drop in tier 7 infernal hordes? I prefer the hordes, because I find that sometimes there are cheap deaths on the pit bosses, when I get double or triple tagged with a shadow attack in 2 second period.

What better builds exist for Barbs again? Because WW even at it’s storngest is no where near Sorc.
In fact, isn’t this exactly why Barb got nerfed into the dirt while Sorc got massive buffs, again?


I can do a level 7 horde with blood surge necro build. It is not supposed to be s tier but it does well in the infernal horde. I got lucky to get grandfather which is probably necessary to get the damage to where you need it for that.

the stones drop in every tier 3-8 but they increase in chance the higher tier you go. similar to pits. at t7 i always get a min of 2 stones per run and sometimes as high as 7

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hmm, I don’t think I got any, but maybe I picked one up and didn’t notice. Anyway, that is a good tip, I didn’t know they dropped there. There is much greater value as far as time spent to neatiron received in the horde vs the pit.

exactly. i get over 500 neathiron in 1 t7 horde run. compared to pit id be spending far more time in the pit to get the same amount of neathiron

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They drop a ton in T7 horde. A little bit in T6. I didn’t see any in T5 and I spent a lot of time in that tier.

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Im doing Lvl 71 pits all day and i got one single Stygian Stone today. From a Worldboss.

Who cares what the sorc are doing? I can clear a t8 with ww barb averaging 700+. Comparison is a thief of joy, stop doing it. People were whining about us last season, still don’t give a f.

How many aethers does this equate to?

Tip on tier 7 infernal horde worked for me. Did 2 runs about 220 aether avg. I pick the easiest options because I can barely do it. Got 0 stones first run and 2 the second. 2 stones in about 25 to 30 mins of work. Better than 0 stones for last 60 pit runs. I like the horde bosses (council) better than pit bosses. When I die on horde bosses, I earned it vs pit boss death is almost always some cheap shot when the pit boss has only sliver of health left.


500-600 aether equates to about 500 neathiron. i usually average around 700aether in a t7.

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Are people choosing the “materials” chest for Stygian stones, or do they pop out of the other 2 chests as well?