Where do I farm Rawhide at?

I am out of this again and am unable to upgrade gear.

Salvaging is the best way to get them. I think rares might be better output for them. Tbh I havnt run out of those since preseason.

I have now run out twice.

Are you just vedoring items instead of salvaging? Im generally curious

Open event chests, salvage armor. Unique armor with bad rolls if you have spare cash are good influx of hides.

Thanks. Was hoping I was missing something, but am not.

I salvage almost all my stuff.

Yea, just use that living metal to kill grigoire and melt those unique 800 score gloves or leg armor, 40 hide right there.

I found a good amount of them farming Whisper dungeons that are open area dungeons like Maulwood, Nostrava Deepwood, Penitent Cairns and the like. They have a bunch of monsters like porcupines and chargers that are generous in dropping rawhides :slightly_smiling_face:.

Legion u get 900 at the end

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Thanks. This will help me a lot.