When will shop quality cosmetics be added to the game for free as promised?

That’ll probably be the day i will wash my hands with the game.

There should not be a PTW mentality to this easy game.

I wish i could post the screen shot i have saved of my closed beta necro.

Hands down the best looking skin set i have EVER seen in this game.

Went looking for that in the live version and it was nowhere.

It is unfortunate….that armor look was hot AF

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You are not wrong. Marketing talk by Blizzard wasn’t honest. The quality and quantity (salvaged and wardrobe slots) are way lesser via in-game earns versus $$ real money shop for Cosmetics.

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To be fair they did add some fancy cosmetic with S2 and the bosses, but not directly for the chars:
Brimstone Mount
Demonbinder Barding
Torch or Book from Beast in the Ice

this overall package looks by far better than any buyable mount or mount barding you can buy in the shop. At least in my opinion lol

The Diadem or Tiara or whatever its called that drops from the Dark Master is okayish, but just a single drop cosmetic for a character.
Maybe we gonna get surprised further down the line with new seasons.

Source or silence


Read the thread, you will find plenty.

Even before i had bought any, i didn’t have a problem with the free cosmetics, at least for the sorc and necro. The free base set from drops was well above average to most games.

I do have my own very strong set of problems though:

  • The sorc wrap thing has been censored from the concept art, it has double underboob as the artist imagined before the diversity officer got its foul influence on it. They should have at least had the decency to uncensor the cheap reskin sold in the shop.

  • More seriously, the very noticeable trend now of the battle pass cosmetics being a lower grade than the store. This difference in paid cosmetics is petty and dumb. If you keep pushing you’re going to very quickly lose the tug of war of season engagement at all as well the battle pass. Seasons being nothing more than an excuse to be op in a different way doesn’t help. To make matters worse, the free cosmetics from the season reward are at least double as good as the paid battle pass. I dare you take that away next season. Look the only option is good cosmetics for every season, in all tiers, chapter, free battle pass, paid battle pass. Cheaper rubbish for seasonal content not as good as my steam backlog.

The end.

EDIT: Also you can’t claim ignorance. The premium season theme shop skins… every season… are better than average. You know exactly what you’re doing blizzard.

This certainly isn’t much the case with the rogue set. Shop ones feel less like they are made from rags and more from actual cut cloth etc. I had BNet balance and w/ this season’s paid battle pass that I had saved from season 1 from my UE license, I had enough to get the sin set for my rogue, which although sparse, is much cleaner looking than anything from in-game. I’m sure others are noticing this as well in general.

While artwork is subjective in general, you can see a fairly clear distinction in quality to the point that it really does feel heavy handed toward the shop. It doesn’t help that the in-game number of items is as limited as it is. And for pete’s sake what is with the artists’ fetish with asymmetrical shoulders like we had in most of the WoW mail/plate sets?


Didnt you watch the campfire chat for season 1 where they went on how awesome the free red shirt cosmetic was :rofl:

Come now yah blizzard fanboys… The design of the gear in the game is garbage. The only good looking loot in this game is in the shop. All of us know this. Regardless what was promised, if you’re paying full price and then some for a complete game, you should be able to expect the package gear to look as good as the shop bs. This isn’t POE. Don’t get me started on the lack of game content as well as paying for a beta.

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i play rogue and I can 100% agree with you about their cosmetics.

the funniest part is, a couple of the shop sets are literally the normal sets but… un-ragged. im not even kidding. there are 2 sets that just take the raggedy set that players can find in game and slaps a fancy texture on them so they look new.

so yes, what you say is actually 100% correct. not just feels correct, but IS. lol

Well said and 100% agree. My first toon was a rogue and to be honest nothing about the in game armor thrilled me.

All those extremely low effort shop cosmetics they use as filler that are basically just recolors of common armor with one extra thing added?

That’s what they meant.

There was a cosmetic in shop for free a couple of days ago. So thats that.

the gold blade with small red gem… or whatever it is??

those are just reskins of the first twitch drops lmfao lazy as hell.

Well it is a shop cosmetic and its free. So I guess it qualifies.

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A “promise” from blizzard is essentially worthless. Don’t expect anything from the Lords of Monetization.

I did, not there. Care to link or just gonna pull some BS like “if you can’t find you don’t deserve the link” hoping I will lose even more time?

Actually they did say something along the lines of “shop cosmetics won’t be of better quality” in one of the dev posts before launch, where they provided some screenshots of in-game obtainable cosmetics and shop cosmetics.

Note that the cosmetics on launch were pretty mediocre, but now a lot of them are much better. On top of that we’re getting little to no new cosmetics obtainable in-game, and if we do, they’re usually meh at best (talking about the character cosmetics, mounts they’re giving us are pretty cool)

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