What's The Point On Capping Paragon Legendary Nodes?

All these new S5 caps are hurting so many builds, especially underperforming builds that rely on them.

You give us the option to scale an aspect of our builds, then change it next season to put a cap. If you’re going to do that might as well just make the legendary node static. It’s boring and bland.
At the very least you could put in some kind of DR system.

The legendary nodes should be exciting.

Unless the new PTR notes (whenever they get updated) has serious changes, S5 is looking awful, esp for sorc and druid.


I think the point is to reign in multipliers. Maybe they’re recognizing that multipliers all over the place is starting to get out of hand?

Yup everyone will put just enough to reach the cap then stack whatever additive gives the highest bonus.

Probably part of a supposed game balance… hope so
The problem is that they are nerfing everything but barbs keep way too powerful compared to other classes.


Multipliers are not a problem but having multiple buckets of them is. The way the game should be designed is this:

  • One build might focus on Crit Chance and Crit Damage
  • One build might focus on Overpower Damage and frequency.
  • One build might focus on Vulnerable Damage.
  • One build might mostly ignore these buckets for Defense
  • One build might focus on Class mechanic (like Berserking)
  • One build might focus on DoT
  • One build might focus on Lucky Hit and procs
  • One build might combine 2 buckets af half effectiveness

Instead, you have builds that can basically maximize all of those buckets. When you have the ability to do that, it is going to make anything not capable of obtaining that fall so far behind everything else there isn’t any way to get parity.


the caps for the nodes are important because incinerate was too strong so they had to nerf burning instinct by 70%

you meant firewall right ? xD

No, he really meant incinerate. Haven’t you seen it? There are several videos of pit 180, pit 167 pit 177, all with incineration.

Caps are bad and should be gone.

you mean ptr right ? Cos every thing is broken on ptr thx to lucion, not a 50% burning damage node.

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Cant stand when people say stupid stuff not understanding what they’re looking at and what’s going on in the PTR.