What's the point of PTR?

None, zero! at current state, Ptr is just like playing D4 with enabled cheat code. It contributes nothing to better the game or test the real patch about to come out.

If they are serious about PTR, all builds/skills/items shall be within reasonable parameter to begin with, I am talking about around +/- 10-50% tweaking value to the released version. But no, whatever on PTR is way out of whack and they don’t even care to look at them once during the entire PTR session.

After every PTR all of us still have no clue what specific build/skill will be like in the real patch, because all of them need to be adjusted 500,000% if not 1,000,000+%, PTR is like a totally different game in its own category and has nothing relatable to the real incoming patch. They are doing it only to ride the Diablo hype train and for streamers to fart out more D4 contents, it’s getting old, I don’t play on PTR anymore or even care to watch PTR streams lately, because I know when the real patch released is when the true PTR starts

To ignore all the feedback and push the god awful product out as is.


Your being serious???

Public test realm says it in the name unfortunately when it comes to 1 single persons wants, wishes and demands they tend to fall short……

Where they excel is when they let loose a horde of players to push up against the systems they’ve created they can also track what players are ACTUALLY! Playing as opposed the generally toxic ramblings of the forums man children that don’t get what they want

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i mean the name ptr pretty much tells you the point of it.

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I tried to avoid watching too much of the PTR for the same reason, but I do appreciate the players who participate and report bugs and broken builds to Blizzard. Whether Blizzard will actually address them is another story. It feels like previous PTRs have focused more on nerfing things rather than fixing the reported bugs. Spiritborn is likely to be overpowered this season since no one has highlighted the broken builds yet. I hope they stick with the stat squish to make balancing builds easier, but based on what I’ve read about the PTR, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

PTR is to make the player base feel like they have some input. Nothing more.

What’s the point of this thread? Nothing. It’s just here for the clicks and views.

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