What's the hesitance of giving us profane mindcage II, III, IV and make it usable in both helltide and nightmare dungeons?

By the initial very negative feedback on Inferno Horde, it’s clear that no one enjoys trivial content/no challenges. When people unable to access content suitable for their capability, they simply quit playing due to boredom.

To easily expand challenging endgame, just give us profane mindcage II, III, IV and make it usable in both helltide and in nightmare dungeons. Let people adjust game difficulty based on their own tastes.

I am quitting season 4 now, not because I got 1GA, 2GA, or 3GA fully geared. It’s simply so boring to farm trivial contents for GA items. I believe this is a simple change to make and have very positive outcome. dev team please consider it.


How do you know there is hesitancy to add it?

Seems you didn’t play season 5 PTR.

In the PTR, they removed profane mindcage completely, and people were blocked from high level inferno hordes at the very beginning. People were forced to grind in trivial/zero challenge end game systems hunting new uniques for 2 days. It was not fun at all, and no one wants to experience that in a live server.

Would you make your next thread title just a little longer please.


Why would you use it in NM dungeons? NM dungeons already have a hugely customizable difficulty scale.

The reason is that once you have strong characters, NM 100 is “boring to farm”.

It was a seasonal theme, that might come back in the future. If we cry enough. :grinning:

I don’t see how your ‘solution’ would help this problem. Adding more difficulty doesn’t mean much when you can still one-shot anything in those dungeons. Even with more difficulty if you’re already well geared out and you’re still getting the same loot just farming for GA’s you’re going to get bored.

If you don’t want to push the Pit due to difficulty, increasing the difficulty of NMD won’t help that either. Nor would it keep you any less bored. Oh sure you’ll go into a 100 NMD and the enemy levels will be 20+ higher then they were originally due to the mindcage elixir, but you’ll still kill them just as fast.

We need a better solution then just tack on more levels to the enemies to give them higher damage and HP.

My proposal would help the game longevity because it gives people motivation instead of quitting early. Of course, this is more like a quick patch than a perfect solution. However, before dev team can provide a perfect solution in a reasonable timeframe, I bet a quick patch solution can serve the purpose well in a short term.

i liked the profane mindcages, but id give a no to seperate mindcage items. they did a good job so far at reducing the inventory cluster, no need to add more to it.

profane mindcages could be just stackable buffs on use.

The issue is people will be doing the same tasks with slightly higher difficulty, which is what we have now in the Pits, and soon the Infernal Hordes. I feel ultimately it wouldn’t even be a bandaid to the problem.

The issue isn’t the difficulty, it’s the repetition. You’re not keeping your average player in the game with higher difficulty. You’re keeping the minority of players, such as yourself, in for a few extra hours, then you’ll get bored again.

There’s also no incentive to keep going either if all you’re doing is increasing enemy levels. You might as well just keep running helltides at that point.

Also why I say we need a better solution than just numbers being added. That’s how we got into this mess to begin with.

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Outside of NMD and Pits -
That’s the goal for the Overworld it appears - as stated by the Devs with the Whisper being, what sounded like a guarantee, in HTs.
You probably already quoted that ‘feature’ so I won’t try to paraphrase.

2 birds(Tasks) 1 stone(zone/activity).

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Sounds like a clunky system that could just be replaced by a difficulty slider.