Whats the Easiest build to pull off? i think im really bad at diablo

I got a fire Sorc to level 100 but its ONLY fire and im learning i cant do the pit at all, i tried making a rougue and copying a build but i just dont understand so many of the abilities and stuff and whats procced and what does damage, but i really like the game i wanna play but i need some real simple stuff,

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there are thousand of Videos on u tube explain the builds, to make a build work u need all the Unique items and imprints to make the dmg work and u need to know what to cast in what rotation or what buffs u need to

Barb, always barb.

In this case bash thorns barb hybrid. Or straight up thorns barb.

You aren’t bad, sorc is bad. :grinning:

Im enjoying my double swing / thorns barb and my thorny necro summoner…

I sense a theme here…

Sorc ckearing 105 with Frozen Orb.

Well… A) I think the player has some skills in dodging. B) Barb is clearing that in half the time and a quarter of the skillz so…

It’s all relative.

Seriously, I walk into boss room with barb. I don’t care which boss it is, which echos it is. I hold down the button and occasionally hit the shouts.

Sorc I sweat out the fight and curse when I get respawed middle of the second zone and have to keep running back.

how does thorns work? i just stand still and take damage? and then it blows em up?

At low levels yes. Paired with Needleflare aspect gives AOE damage as well.

At high levels you start stacking leap (and cool down to keep leaping) and then that keeps the multpliers stacking until the boss finally hits you and then it’s one big pop because each leap stacks the eventual thorns damage.

It’s a bit silly to watch, kind of like king kong thumping on the ground taunting until the monster AI hits you and then dies.

Finally, thorns runs lots of damage reduction to be able to dish out more damage than it takes.

Haven’t tried Barb but

Necro Minion is stupidly easy, and relatively slow moving.

Rogue Heartseeker is basically a 1 button build, but you have to move around a lot.