What would you like to see in diablo 4

I would like to know what you would like to see in diablo 4 that you missed in diablo 3, or maybe a new system never seen in the diablo saga.

Bring your ideas of things that can substantially improve the game.

I would include daily or weekly quests, both for pvp and pve.
New dungeons with different challenges.
New enemies.
Pet system.
More dyes for armor.
A more extensive system for the social theme.
In-game system to report bugs.
See the last time a clan member logged in.


Maybe better suited for Diablo 5, but a few things I’d like to see:

  1. Enhanced character creation mode: more appearance customization, body size/part sliders, etc.

  2. Buddy-system option: play 2 characters at the same time, being able to switch between the 2 at anytime (AI would control the other character when not played by the player); would be cool to level up 2 characters as you’re playing the game, like a Barb and Sorc hehe.

  3. Separate Single-player offline mode: enables things like mods, trainers, photo mode, etc.


Uniques that drop identified so that I would know what Unique dropped from the get go rather than opening my inventory tab filled with junk to look for it. Would be a nice QoL feature possibly with On/Off, just because some might not like it.

D2 Font (Exocet) for Items dropped on the ground another feature, but this might be just a dream so whatever, don’t think it will ever happen.

New type of Unique items in form of Runewords, where u collect different types of runes and make a Unique Item. Would be nice if runes were as rare as possible, to make the chase for them more exciting.

Low drop rate for Unique Items as for right now they don’t feel any special when you find them, they lost their purpose.

A linear endgame witch has the main campaign connected to it and expanded with each expansion/seasonal content.

Resplendent Sparks removed.


Didn’t notice that this thread was about missed things from D3, ignore my post it’s irelevant - ma bad.

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A real endgame system.
Pit is not really the endgame system as you get nearly no loot from there.
Diablo 4 needs a mapping system like LE with the monoliths or PoE with the mine etc.

And there I wish open areas to discover. No more “pipe designs” (sorry I don’t know the english word for ‘Schlauchlevel’) :sweat_smile:

I want to farm for hours in open maps with a high monster density and get some good loot.

And longterm we need more progression systems. Paragon is done with level 100 and then? Then we have only items. That’s not enough to get hyped.
(Still much better than one year ago…)

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Offline mode. Always online is cancer.


Thank you all for contributing your ideas.

I would like to see something else in diablo 4.
Something I would have liked to have been able to see in diablo 4 glitches is the typical voice.

The fault guardian has found you.
I think blizzard can still squeeze even mad this system with various mechanics.

Poso with pvp theme.
Poso with traps that make you lose time if you step on or bump into some.

Does this mean i can only say what i missed from D3 and not the other titles?

  1. Sets
  2. Better Gem Usage
  3. Better Unique skill interactions
  4. Loot not raining from the sky like a kid whacked a pinata at a birthday party
  5. Different enemy Types
  6. Skill Revamp
  7. More dyes for armor ( or allow us to dye certain areas what we want )
  8. Other classes can equip shields
  9. Mecenaries
  10. Elixir / Incense bag only for those 2 items

From D3:

  2. Legendary Gems.
  3. Some type of Cube.
  4. Altar of Rites.

From D2:

  1. Some type of Runes.
  2. Mercenaries.

a in game ah so we dont have to deal with bogus 3rd party trade websites and give our btag to random people if we want to sell items

I just want a loadout system. I dont want to keep making 2 sorcs every season.

Since they removed meaning from respecing its something that should have been put in when they made respecing meaningless.

Fun, innovation, mercenaries, a coherent story, Diablo.

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The most important thing imho:
I would like to see changes on the skill tree, we need something more interesting to diversify and to enjoy our fav class even more!

I do agree with:

this season is a vast improvement…but still has a few things that would make it glorious.

Boost this post - it has suggestions:

Not only from other games, but also from new mechanics and systems that you want to see in diablo 4.

I imagine that more than one would like to have a variety of things to do and that they are not always the same.

Im not being realistic here but oh well.

First OP good ideas :slight_smile:


  • Change skill tree into D2 skill tree. Straight up copy it and work from there. Look at how PD2 developed the D2 skill tree without breaking the game with a skeleton crew of like 2 people working on their spare time (unlike D4 where a massive amount of people has killed the game balance EVERY new “season”)
  • Change the base system for items to D2 and develop from there. Again, straight up copy and work from there.
  • Balance : using the first two points always strive for balance in the game between characters and overall player strength vs world when making updates.
  • Figure out incentives and not forced gameplay and invite the players to explore the entire world of D4. Again - balance. Use balance to tweak the areas so they are balanced.

Balance, balance, balance.


A creative and competent dev team and new leadership.


I want that too.
And as that beautiful cab driver said.
I want to live that dream too, don pool

Your topic made me think quite a lot these days as Diablo 4’s future haunts me.
Here’s my ideas:

Exhibit and value your art

  • front-side viewing art, paintings on walls in dungeons, campaign and world
  • Why?
    • makes you love Diablo 4 more
    • having nice things to look at, which connect you to D4 and feel like you want to give something back/more/sustain the game after you appreciate them
    • respect your artists
    • easy to implement with already-existing assets
    • connects artists and creators with the spirit of Sanctuary and world of Diablo 4
  • Implementation
    • add as emote or while hovering the art, press a button to have a full frontal view (like the redeem card ending in the shop)
    • if you make it clickable like staying on chairs in town, it will definitely need an option to turn on and off this functionality (in combat and HC you may not want it, in timed events you definitely don’t want it until the event ends)


  • Why?
    • Have reasons for more wallpapers and screenshots → your wallpaper keeps you more thinking about the game and appreciating the fine work done there
    • spread Sanctuary’s marvel on the internet → more searches and popularity for the game, better marketing
  • want to see more beautiful scenery, like the campaign offered
  • it was closer to a cinematic feel and a calming break from the battle, which we lost after campaign

Cellars 2.0

  • Why?
    • They’re unused minimal dungeons, a gold mine awaiting to be tapped into for content
  • Cellars can be made enticing by:
    • adding more puzzles to them
    • adding rare dedicated items like Wirt’s leg and the unique-but-blue items we hunted for in D3, to open portals to secret realms or activating secret side quests, of which some would even give you a Feat of Strength as easter eggs (like development hell was in D3)
    • adding specific elixirs only obtainable from them, that would be of use for some bosses (e.g. find a wine elixir that adds a chance to daze elites)

World minibosses

  • Why?
    • Make leveling experience enjoyable
  • I don’t recall the last time I killed a lvl 35 mob as a lvl 20, like in open beta. Simply adding a scattered prism or drop a random unique (not aspect, as those go to dungeons as a prime experience) tied to their region and personality, to lessen leveling experience and have some target farming would entice more play for them.


  • Why?
    • Most people ignore them now
    • They were cool at start and faded away as other systems were buffed
  • Strongholds can be vastly improved, here’s my full-fledged suggestions on it Skip the Strongholds - #20 by Tor-22719

Proper longer dungeons (multi-floored, time-gated)

  • Why?
    • To keep immersion in world and reality, to bring life to something more of an medieval MMO than an cheap arcade feel the pits give
    • To keep strategy into play like GRs/Pits offered
    • To create a sense of community and have another reason to play a bit more with your friends
    • To make cohesive use of assets
  • Masterworking would move to NMDs, as after getting glyphs to lvl 21 there’s not much to do there
  • It would be something that keeps players interested for no more than 30 minutes, available like World Bosses
  • It would contain:
    • Full-fledged castles
      • when I saw Lilith’s castle/fortress I immediately thought of Castlevania and wanting to play in all the floors inside it
      • 2nd time I got baited with a castle gate/entrance and not having the full castle! (1st time was with D3 ROS)…want the actual real thing badly!
    • Full-fledged mines (think Mines of Moria)
    • Full-fledged palaces
    • Full-fledged prisons
  • mid-way have middle bosses: Butcher, The Smith from D2, Astaroth, Izual etc.
  • reinstate hobo story bosses and previous D2 act bosses as end-bosses of these dungeons: each Tormented boss would have one dedicated to it (Duriel, Andariel, then expansions Mephisto, Diablo, Baal etc.) - cherish your legacy and rejoice in slaying them with D4 builds
  • How to make it rewarding?
    • Give access to new materials/items that the expansion brings (this is much more up to you, idk what secrets you have for us)
    • Give a resplendent spark once a week (similar to weekly WB whisper)
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Legendary gems. Something simular to Boon Of The Hoarder Gem The could call it Gold Sellers Bane.

AH bound when buy

5man dungeon with unique drops with 2-3 bosses and 1 world boss type at the end

better balancing
more gold
quick sell only none GA items