What will happen to the Aspects that we had collected in Season 1, 2 and 3?

With the new Codex, will those Aspect Gems that we collected in Season 1 , 2 and 3 be stored in the Codex? Or we will have to farm everything all over again?

Third time this has been asked, they really need to sticky these things at the top.


The GOAT to the rescue having to keep others up-to-date. :+1:


Yup. Need to sticky this.

Was wondering if Imprinted Aspects will be included into the Codex as well? Since we will no longer be able to salvage the gear to extract the aspect.

You can destroy the gear still at the blacksmith which is what updates your codex in the first place using the new method, that being said, I’m not sure if it upgrades based on a legacy imprint, you would hope it would. I think I misunderstood your question in the previous post.

We can hope that Legacy items aren’t subject to the rule of not being able to extra an Imprinted item, but we don’t know yet.


Yes. Im keenly interested in this particular question. I am an eternal realm only player. I have a maxroll of accursed aspect and i imprinted on an item. ive only gotten a maxroll of this aspect once and that is throough heavy play. It would be unfortunate to have to farm this aspect again.

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You won’t have to farm the aspects again on the Eternal realm. That being said each new season you will need to power up the codex again.

Overall the changes to the codex will be a plus.


Yup. Will need to test that in the PTR. Maybe the Codex can scan through the gears that we have on the characters, be it in Season or Eternal, for Imprinted Aspects as well to extract those of higher value. I have quite a number of high/max value Imprinted Aspects that were very hard to come by.

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It is not considered an exploit as you already have the aspect before you imprint :joy:

It’s obvious now my explanation was poor, as such I’m removing it.

Lets use a Sorcerer Control Aspect as example, you get a legendary wand with max roll which is 35% damage for cloud controlled monster. You destroy the wand and your codex will have a max 35% Control. You will always use this value to Imprint your gear, no matter you destroy it or not as it would not be changed. Even you imprint the aspect to Two handed weapon it comes 70%, but when you extract it like in current season it always back to single hand version with 35% damage. So I don’t see any opportunity of exploiting codex.

Salvage Imprint aspect is only a concern for Eternal realm as seasonal realm always start from nothing. But we always use seasonal character to collect aspect and gear to feed our Ethernal character at the end. So there shouldn’t be an issue to cut some slack for our poor and lonely Eternal Character.

You’re not understanding, regardless, we’ll wait for the PTR, so I can test this out myself. Again I doubt it will work for what I’ve explained. The bigger concern is if Imprinted Legacy Items will be able to be extracted using the new system. I agree with Shanjian’s concern here.

Yes, I dont understand your explanation how you think a fix value 35% damage in codex will change in those imprint activity. I think you overthinking it :slight_smile:

You completely misunderstood the point, it’s not about a maxed value aspect in the codex at all, that’s quite literally the last thing I was talking about, please just stop, my head hurts.

Because you don’t understand the codex always take the next max value only. Let’s stop this pointless discussion loop.

I got lost here. Lets say the scenario is Conceited aspect and i got a maxrol of 25%. I imprinted it on a wand, and then i found a better piece of equipment. So i salvage the existing wand, the 25% is put into the codex and i can then use the 25% on the new wand. That seems reasonable to never have to refarm the aspect again and i think / hope / pray that is the intention of the new functionality, no? Thank you for your patience and help. Cheers

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You are absolutely correct in your scenario.

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Same here. The new Codex System will really encourage people to continue farming for max value aspects. I guess most players have OCD - need to have everything. :rofl: