What Tier NMD/NMV should I be doing?


I got back about a week and a half ago and just reached 92. I’m doing NMD/NMV at around 35-40 range. However I keep reading that I should be doing them 10 levels above mine. So what NMD/NMV tier would be 10 levels above 92?

Thanks in advance for any help.

that “10” referes to levels… so mobs in your NMDs should be around 102… I think at vault sigil it shows lvl, so do some testing.
Also this +10 lvl rule works just to max your exp gain… In matter of loot you should do only 90+NMDs if you can ofc… or max you are capable

OMG…I never noticed the level on the Vault Sigil. Thank you!

NM48 is 10 lvls above.

But there is nothing saying you need to do that, you can do 3 lvls above if you want until you hit 100 and your Glyphs are all 15+, then you can start pushing based on your GLyph levels.

What they say is there is not much value to doing more than 10 levels above.

Is the xp faster if the glyhp is higher?

This tool helps you figure out where it would be optimal to play, remember if something is taking you longer to do it may not be worth it.


Thank you. I appreciate the help from eveyrone.

You should be easily able to run NMD cLvl+20-30 starting at lvl 70. At 92, that means enemy level 112 - 122 without breaking a sweat. In reality, you should be able to push +30-+40 at 92 fairly easily.

If you struggle with +20-+30, you should reevaluate your build.

Thank you. I’ve gone up to 50 now. So I’ll push into 60s and see how it feels.

The XP ceiling was capped some time ago at +10 levels and as of this Season 3’s launch the Monster Level was added to NMD/V Glyphs - a “Label” so players didn’t have to clunkily add +54 to every Glyph(lol) and work out the level.

Don’t stress it, play whatever is most comfortable or efficient for you - remember speed counts most of all when Glyph leveling.
Character XP is inevitable and very easy to come by but can be focused as well. Keep in mind Char XP is so fast now that many Players are 100 before more than a couple/few Glyphs are even 15. ie. You’re not doing anything “wrong”.

If you go to: https://maxroll.gg/d4/tierlists/nightmare-dungeon-glyph-leveling-tier-list
The above will provide a rough list compiled by the ‘Meta-Magicians’ who break everything down to the second and treat gaming like some kind of science.

For Glyph XP: It’s about Avoiding mobs and getting to the end ASAP, killing the Boss and accessing the Awakened Glyphstone, upgrading Glyph and repeating.
For Character XP: It’s about high density, primarily Elite, clearing.

I threw this out there if you wanted to dip your toes into the realm of “efficiency”, having no idea how you approach the game, your goals etc.
Just a tip regarding NMD Tier Lists and Char XP vs Glyph XP leveling …methods and methodology.

Most of all - Play your way and enjoy yourself! Gl & hf.


Appreciate all the info brother. I’ll definitely take a look at maxroll. I don’t get as much time to game as I’d like so the more efficient the better for me. Thanks again.

nmv cinders by far the best, no door no quest, it’s easy to farm 70+ at lv95 on sc for quick 925 ip

depends hardcore/softcore?

I personally woudn’t exceed 10 levels higher on hardcore as you don’t gain more exp. Take your current level (55) add 54 + the tier of dungeon you’re doing 54 +Tier 1 vault = monster level 55. Run a dungeon/vault at T11 (monster level 65) for optimum exp. Now it’s basic math if it takes you 15 minute to clear the dungeon, DO NOT do that dungeon. Run lower content you’ll gain more exp. It sounds like you just need to brush up on your math skills tbh (no disrespect).

At lvl 92, you should be speeding tier 70s

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