What the Hell Folks?

the nerfing will continue, until morale improves


Switch gems around, switch talents around, “git gudder not badder”, etc.

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you sound like your neckbeard is encrusted with week old cheeto dust

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That is some hardcore projection my friend.

Difficulty waxes and wanes depending on your gear and skills. Experiment around if you need. My rogue felt weak in some circumstances until a more complete tool kit became available with mobility, healing, energy regen, and damage.

I will say as someone running a blight minion build it felt really bad especially on bosses until I got better gear most importantly my first legendary that spiked up my damage to more reasonable levels. As far as minions there damage is fine but even with fully upgraded damage and toughness on bosses they just get decimated and I have to be slightly more conscious on using Decay to create more corpses to use and not overusing corpse explosion.

It’s the scaling. Move to a new area and get drops that aren’t 12 levels below yours. They don’t have the drop scaling right so you outlevel your gear too fast and you get weaker cause the mobs scale 1-2 levels above you at all times, which is f’d up in my opinion.


I got my first legendary from gambling at 22. So theres that. The chest had the effect of constantly healing me. Big game changer.

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Wow that is valuable to know thx. I did make some adjustments so things are better but from reading other threads it sounds like the answer might be to concentrate on just the main quest. That way you’re moving to the new areas and getting gear more suited to the leveling. Right now the best I’m finding are yellows that really don’t improve anything.

stop blindly following guides. guides are mostly for end game when u have all gears in place. if you dont have them, you need to use a bit of brain to make a build of your own that works with what you have. Dont force your character into builds that you are not geared for.

Ah they have leveling guides as well you know? Anyways it seems the main problem here is Blizz went for level scaling but omitted the part where loot should scale as well. I was doing everything in Act 1 all the side quests etc. and leveling up at a solid pace. The trouble was the gear that was dropping was not increasing in level. I’ve now moved over to Act 3 where at least it’s a little better. A massive blunder on their part imo.

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sorry, you used the wrong buzzword

its called an observation. or an assessment. or reality. pick any one you want after you take a shower

You really shouldn’t hate yourself this much. Are you okay? Do you need help?

I definitely think the ranged and casters are easier to play. I hated the barbarian at level 20.

how many bags of cheetos today? gallons of mt dew? LOL

even in tier 1 the mobs got annoyingly way tankier once i hit around level 30
was a lunge/shouts/rend barb build til 30 and it worked fine until then

now i have to play hota smash and even then im 39 now and mobs are getting SUPER tanky

the game feels so backwards, we get weaker as we level, not stronger.


The game is just poorly designed all around.

Class design is painfully superficial. Many abilities don’t work well on their own merits and can’t be enhanced in any meaningful way until you get a legendary power or access the paragon board.

Every worthwhile build will use vunerable, crit damage, and a few other multipliers. Ultimately every build will end up feeling the same except for what you call it.

Most players are going to feel frustrated while leveling if they don’t just copy paste the leveling builds that have all ready been figured out. It’s not that the made the game harder. They just made it tedious. Can’t wait to see the few decent leveling builds get gutted in the name of making the game more challenging while leveling.

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Im playing a lvl 34 Druid and Legendaries seem to drop from everywhere so far. Im doing a lot of dungeons for the Aspects and just about ready to get to Scosglen. I have 4 legs in my stash that I dont need and my Druid has all Legs on except his hat and boots…

As is now level scaling feels pretty bad for me too.
Playing Sorc T2 may drop down to T1 if things don’t improve.

There’s no “I” in nobody cares…