What the GPT chat think about runes?

The latest PTR for Diablo 4 introduced runes and runewords, but feedback from the community has been mixed. One of the main concerns is that the current implementation of runewords feels lackluster compared to Diablo 2. Players are disappointed that the “generator-spender” mechanic of runewords is clunky and often activates automatically, removing the player’s control over when to trigger powerful effects. This disrupts gameplay flow, especially in fast-paced situations​(

Streamers and players have also pointed out that the runewords don’t feel as “game-breaking” as advertised. For example, effects like teleportation or shouts aren’t impactful enough to justify their current state, and many combinations simply fail to work as intended​

). The nostalgic joy of collecting runes, like in Diablo 2, is largely absent because the current system doesn’t offer the same journey of gathering runes toward powerful endgame rewards.

Furthermore, the implementation seems rushed, with bugs preventing certain combinations from functioning. This has frustrated players who feel like they’re doing the developers’ quality assurance work​(

Overall, while the idea of runewords in Diablo 4 has promise, it needs major adjustments to feel satisfying and impactful. Players want more control, better functionality, and a system that pays homage to the iconic rune mechanics of the past​(