What sup with Tyreal's Might? April Fool's joke?

Not only it gives two useless resistance mods, the main selling point of Uber power is merely 2,600 damage (how is it relevant when skills can do 20-50B/hit now?)! and it’s conditioned on full life! which only happens when you cast a skill! to add insult to the injury, the DR on this body armor only 50% of Shako’s…

C’mon Blizzard guys! this piece is supposed to be the new uber we all want to chase after in this season, with all the tempering and masterwork to compete with I just dont see the logic in making this piece uber, please lower the status to unique asap.

it can go +11% max res if you hit your masterwork right. it’s bis defence for chest slot. someone will maybe do the math. the divine bolts are just an extra and are super fun on ww barb to clear trash.

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The Defensive Stats are insanely good. With Tassets, you are at 85% All Resist Cap which is insane. If you take Temerity, and work on Healing, you can have perma-barrier. With Seligs on top, you are unkillable. All you take is the fastest attack speed possible to spam bolts.

FYI - The X values have been boosted a ton and snapshot now. That damage is not flat damage. The way this works is basically like D2 Charged Bolt build where you had an entire screen filled with Charged Bolts that when added together did unreal damage.


it’s pretty strong i don’t know what you are talking about. Maybe the unique effect is bit useless and not that exciting but overall pretty good stats.

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Could you maybe break that down in 2-3 sentences? I feel lazy. I get snapshotting.

the holy bolts don’t even fire off from minion attacks like artillery shrines. Its defensive stats are amazing, but its uber unique power is absolutely trash.

Max all res is extremely powerful and far from useless, each point of max res beyond 70 is worth 3.3% elemental damage reduction. So if you have tyreal’s might and only hit max res once with your bonus masterworking, its still a whopping 28% damage reduction to elements.

Any idea how + max res works? 85% vs 70% = 15% vs 30% damage taken = 100% MORE toughness against elemental damages.

85% vs 95% = 15% vs 5% damage taken = 300% MORE toughness, hence res is capped at a lower value of 70 - 85%

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Base Values for Aspects have gotten significantly improved as they are before all forms of damage increases.

For sake of conversation, on a Base Value of 2,000, you can achieve 2,000,000 damage with 10,000% damage increase. This sounds crazy until you consider a 6,000% Critical Strike Damage by itself is not very difficult to achieve with Grandfather. This does not even count say, Damage While Berserking, any Aspects etc.

Even just having Bolts be 2,000,000 a pop, having 10 go off in quick sucession means 20,000,000 damage.

While this will not replace your primary kit likely, you can achieve a build similar to D2 Auradin by stacking Lucky Hit and Damage bonuses while being unkillable.

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