I’m curious, what’s the point of doing higher levels of Nightmare Dungeons’ sigils when at level 100, where XP is irrelevant?
I’m curious, what’s the point of doing higher levels of Nightmare Dungeons’ sigils when at level 100, where XP is irrelevant?
For the challenge probably. Also probably get more glyph xp
Hmmm…Playing the game?Personal achivement?Leaderboard when they will add it.
Forgot about glyph xp!
What about drop chances, do they also increase with higher sigils? That’s what I’m mostly concerned about
The game isn’t about earning XP. The objective is to be the strongest. The hardest nightmare dungeons are the challenge.
The objective of the game is to clear the hardest difficulty dungeon T100 and defeat the pinnacle dungeon.
The objective of the game isn’t “Get to 100.”
You need to get to 100, to clear Tier 100, but the journey doesn’t stop because you dinged 100. The journey stops when you beat the Pinnacle, and T100 solo.
A better question is; what’s the point in dinging 100 if you don’t plan to try to beat the hardest challenge in the game?
[There isn’t one.]
The game is about theory crafting builds; farming and collecting the gear to support your theory, and then proving your theory.
The game is NOT about holding right click; jumping on Maxroll.gg copying somebody elses theory, and giving up because you hit 100.
If that’s what you’re doing, you’re not even playing the game. The fun of the game is figuring out how to become strong, and then working to achieve that goal, and then proving that you’ve done it.
The game is not about collecting XP. It’s about power growth.
If you look at level 100 as that being the objective, then you’re ignoring the real objective. It’s cool to set your own goals, it’s fine if you feel like you accomplished something when you get there; but everybody will get there, not everybody will solo 100 or kill the pinnacle boss.
The people that do that are real champions who understand the game, play with skill and mastered the game.
Well, I’ve stated my question in a wrong way. This I am aware of.
So, what is the point of speed-farming let’s say 65, when you can blast through 50’s?
I remember hearing from somewhere that at some point there’s a level where you practically only get ancient drops, but I don’t know/remember what level that was. So I’m not sure if that’s a nightmare 100+ kind of thing. But I think I heard some of the most rare unique items only drop in wt4 and lvl 85+ enemy level, or something like that.
No point in doing 65s over 40s when all you are after is gear. No change at all.
And increased Glyph XP is really not worth it either as you can basically just run 3 level 40 dungeons in the time you run say 2 level 60… ziing option one is well more worth it.
And this ladies and gentlemen is why this games loot system is borderline stupid, idiotic you name it
If this game is about making builds, then why is every build except for 1-2 meta builds per class completely unplayable? lol
Higher Monster level monsters drop higher aggregate Item power items. I.E. The general quality of the drops will be higher.
You always want to speed farm the highest you can run efficiently.
In NM 20; you’ll get 650-700 item power aggregates. At 55; you’re getting 790-805.
The highest item power drops are 820. You’ll never seen an 820 in a low nightmare dungeon; you can’t even get an 820 unique unless the monsters are over level 85. The probability of them dropping goes up with the monsters level.
Yes Shako is rare, but it’s probably not that rare if you’re farming T95’s. We just don’t know yet; because people aren’t farming 95’s.
At some point this will probably be the D4 version of greater rifts for min/maxing BIS gear and measuring face melting capabilities. In it’s current form it’s meh.
Ok, Professor Laokin, that’s what I wanted to know. But! Is there any proof to that? Don’t remember Devs mentioning that anywhere, or did I miss something?
Sense of pride and accomplishment. There is nothing else
It may be what leaderboards are set by in seasons so practice?
What else you going to do? It’s like trying to get to GR150 in D3, I imagine.
It’s exactly the same right now as D4’s Greater Rifts. The only difference is they don’t have timers.
DIII went to tier 150. DIV is harder and goes to T100. In it’s current form; it’s no more “Meh” than DIII.
I don’t think forcing an arbitrary timer makes any kind of sense at all. When leader boards come out, they will probably track your completion time; but they won’t fail you if you go over a certain time.
There is literally no reason to do that. It could take you 10 minutes to do a lap on lemans when a pro racer does a hotlap in 3:40 seconds. You’ll just end up in dead last, but you don’t need to be disqualifed because you didn’t complete the lap in 4:45 seconds.
Diablo III’s greater rifts were about pushing your highest clear, and you were rewarded with the ability to upgrade your legendary gems.
Diablo IV is about pushing your highest clear, and you’re rewarded with the ability to upgrade your Paragon Glyph’s. They have nearly identical parity; but glyphs max out at 21, and you can’t “fail” and upgrade anymore.
I mean; they absolutely said NM Dungeons have higher quality loot.
You can absolutely run T20’s and look at your loot, then run T50’s and look at your loot and empirically confirm it.
Nightmare dungeons have higher quality loot, because it’s the only place in the game to fight monster that are higher than level 100.
They did also confirm that the 6 chase Uniques always drop at Item Power 820; and cannot dropfrom monsters below Monster Level 85.
So you see… Monster level controls the quality of loot by Item Power.
Item powers above 800 have higher probability of rolling with better affix groupings.
I.E. 810+ swords are going to roll with Crit Damage/Crit Damage/Vulnerable Damage/Core Damage/Basic or Ultimate Damage/Damage to Close
And you’re not going to get as many that have 2 stats that ruin the weapon.
You don’t get to dictate to us what the objective of the game is. Can you provide an official source where Blizzard tells us the objective of the game?
Bruh I am starting to really doubt you now. LOL theory crafting in this game? Here’s a theory (and it’s already been proven), most of the skills in this game are garbage. Class design is atrocious. People are forced into the meta because those are the only viable builds.
K now I give up with you.
Keep shilling, shill.
See the above, sensei lakin.
D3 is a better game then. D4 is much more “meh” than D3. I’m not even sure how they managed to do that.
Finally a post worth reading Thx
I’m not dictating it; that’s just what it is fam. Can I provide the official source where Blizzard tells you the objective of the game?
Yeah. As soon as you beat the campaign; a window pops up saying “Welcome to the end game, more adventure awaits! Grow your power and conquor the nightmare dungeons and defeat the echo of lillith in the Pinnacle dungeon!”
There is an objective in your quest journal telling you this is the goal.
Do I need to quote a dev? No; because the damn game has the objective in your quest log! I mean damn bro.
Theory Crafting is real. People are still figuring out the game. THERE IS NO ESTABLISHED META.
You want proof? The world’s first T100 Solo Clear with a WW barb didn’t do it with a “meta” build.
In fact; he completed it using a skill that has a 0.08% pick rate and that the forums say is objectively garbage. He did it with Kick.
So you can you know… not play the game and theory craft and create the meta, and cry that everything in the game is garbage; or you can figure out how to take a skill that people think is garbage, and PROVE that it’s not.
Like the guy who Solo’d a Tier 100 Dungeon with Kick.