What is happening to me, does anybody else feel anxiety?

i dunno if im getting old or what exactly my issue is

but after im logged in for an hour (and i usually game for long period of times), when it comes to diablo 4… i get anxiety… like i just want to get out of here, it feels tedious, feels like a chore, it feels like im doing cubicle work with zero incentive… what do i win or benefit if i grind this tedious crap all day? what am i doing with my life?

and i just log out after an hour or less, and im scared to go back in.

i dont experience this with any other games ive played

im being serious, and no i dont play PoE and diablo 3 did not do this to me either, neither did diablo immortal…

is it just me??? does anyone else feel this way?

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Sounds like a you problem.


Maybe you should be doing something else.


Try something different.

I find playing totally relaxing. I just stroll around (at level 46) while my minions murder everything and I hardly ever have to do anything.

If you’re not playing on tier I difficulty and you’re less than level 50, switch to Tier I. Maybe try a different class for a while. If you’re stressed by high level content, go make an alt and play for ten levels because it’s super relaxing.

Bro, that’s video games in general. At the end of the day, video games are designed to be a time-sink that provides entertainment. It’s not like playing video games will earn you money (most people anyway) or make you lose weight, or gain you muscle.

Might be good for you to take a small break from them. Just my 2 cents.


“I don’t play PoE”
“Diablo 3 or Diablo immortal didn’t do this to me”.

Found the problem.

Spoiled by trash games.

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You aren’t alone. But it isn’t the game. When people are young, they are full of energy, and one of the best ways to vent that energy is doing things like gaming, or any other repetitive tasks. After you get older, especially if you’ve worked a job for twenty years, had kids, and start to see your health and energy declining, one tends to not need that outlet. Therefore, find them a lot less rewarding. This is not universal, of course, but tends to be the average. It’s natural.

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explain please lol, how do those games spoil me?

Shhh. Don’t listen to them. What level are you, what class, and how many of the story acts have you completed?

lolamarie might have the right answer, maybe its just age?

None of those are symptoms, nor causes, of anxiety. The word you’re looking for is “bored”.



It sounds like this game isn’t for you. Games should be fun, not feel like work.


It sounds like you’re bored, but normally then you’d just stop playing. Do you maybe feel like you should be enjoying the game (since you’ve waited so long for it, or because it’s Diablo, etc.) so you push yourself to play while not enjoying it? This could cause some anxiety.

YOu should be playing for fun. If the game makes you anxious or feels like a chore do something else. Seriously this is entertainment. Why play it if it feels that way.

No. I have severe anxiety and sensory issues. Diablo 2 was my first game I fell in love with. The routine of farming every evening. Bowling for demons with my Frost orb sorc. I find the pace of D4, and the interactivity of the environment very soothing.

It has the options to go do something scary or exciting, but I can take it at my own pace and just relax. No pressure. No need to do X in some specific time. One of the best things about Diablo games to me.

So, personally I find D4 helps my anxiety and need for routine. I do take breaks of course! Stretch, eat well, do some chores/outside work, gardens, kitties.

I even picked up a foster kitten on Monday!

Then I just farm some mobs and explore.

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online zoomer doctors are saying i dont experience anxiety but experience boredom instead.

no, if you want me to be blunt, and i’ll be flamed for this, i feel scared to play this, because it feels like a job i dont get paid for, it makes sense for a streamer to play this, but for a random gamer? no… i personally don’t get it. i’m not bored, i just don’t want to work for free.

that’s the difference, i fear working for free, and its not a pleasant experience.

so i haven’t played today.

I had some small episodes of boredom during the story mode, but that was mostly from disappointment in the story than anything. The pacing and storyline wasn’t what I wanted or expected.

The gameplay itself was and is awesome to me, and after getting through the story it feels like what I expected from Diablo 4.

If you don’t like games that have repetitive content then ARPG style games, or even MMOs are not for you.

You might enjoy RTS games or live action PvP style games more. Those don’t require any time investment for the most part, just learning the units, skills, and strategies.

Any game that feels like work is one you would simply want to avoid.

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exactly, and this is the first game that made me feel this way and i’m simply voicing my opinion/feedback.

and diablo 3, and diablo immortal, did not give me this feeling.

and i never played poe.

so… you ARPG diehards, that’s how i feel about D4 and im done with it i guess

I’ve found that, for me personally, if a new game got boring or gave me anxiety it was usually an outside factor gnawing at my mind while i’m playing. I was not able to immerse myself due to background anxiety. Honestly some days i just don’t have it in me to game and it sucks. It’s always been my own personal therapy and to have that not even work is disheartening.
Biggest issue i have with the game is just irritation with getting a piece of gear that finally rolls at my current level but had horrible affixes or near perfect affixes but is such lower level it feels worthless. I had a sacred unique drop last night 11 levels under my current level and i felt like the game just gave me a big F U to toy with me :neutral_face: