What if Glyphs lvled with the char and after 100

I should have stated that the glyph should have a max lvl as it does now

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I like the idea to make leveling feel like you’re earning even more power, but along with it I think the maximum glyph level should be increased. Ultimately we need things to grind for so that we can become OP

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Blizz starts twitching when they see things like this…muttering…“muh shareholders” :laughing:

However OP I love efficiency a lot, it makes me want to play more, I kid you not.

You ever hit up a quest area and you have like 3+ quests that all overlap, where some share the same objectives so you can get in there and just knock them all out.

The satisfaction of getting so much done in short time feels really good!

So the idea I could level glyphs while I do other things sounds pretty awesome.

It’s a good idea and Blizz will hate it, just saying.



I feel alot of people would find lvling the glyph anywhere a big W.

I personally will be spending a lot more time in the new helltide and pit system coming and would love if my time didn’t have to split up to involve more NM dungeons.


Or make some sort of a crafted mat that upgrades them from some more common but also a bit less common stuff that drops (just not too rare like boss mats for ex.)

Say a potion (more like a rune or shard) of glyph upgrade, so there’s still some incentive to run them but not to a total detriment… :slight_smile:

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That could be interesting aswell an item that drops that you could use to upgrade a glyph of your choosing.

Honestly anything that gets me out of do NM dungeons only will make me happy.

Nm dungeons can stay to lvl them up I just want me ways… like the forgotten souls dropping in more areas of content.

This has been an idea roaming around the forums for a while. I’ve also given my ideas about obtaining glyph exp from other sources. Nothing major of course and the NMD would still be your go-to in order to max out glyphs, but just a little something wouldn’t hurt.

They did mention more glyph exp for dungeons coming, but still, if we can get just a little bit out of other sources that’d be great.


If I could level glyphs doing anything that would be huge. Kinda akin to poe skill gems. Imagine if you could only level gems running labs in poe lmfao.

I sadly doubt blizz will do this, because then there is no reason to run the boring and dull content that is nightmare dungeons lol. It would 100% kill it off, which honestly might be a good thing and would force them to completely revamp what they are.

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Glyph Xp from nmd is fine. Glyph already really easy to level up. The problem is most nmd requires rework, not glypy xp itself.

Powercreeping is D4 is trending to be uncontrollable. Most builds do not require glyphs past lvl 15 +1 radius, some builds does not need glyphs at all even on tier 100.

Leveling them to 15 is fairly quick, but maxing them, especially when maxing a lot of different ones especially for build changing is extremely mind numbing just running nmds.


Lol thats the thing I dread doing every restart, grinding nm dungeons just to lvl the glyphs.

We’re only in season 3…

Hope a change could be seriously considered for another option to lvl them.

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Glyphs need less, more impactful levels.

To be honest, a big part of that is their absolutely bland dungeon design.

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maybe use white/blue items that has no use in game lol


I made a post on Glyph leveling Pezradar responded, they are looking into it.:slight_smile:

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99% of builds doesnt need past glyphs lvl 15 at current powercreep. Maxing past 15 to 21 isnt for testing builds but you know which glyphs you need. For 1 class to max ALL glyphs to 21, you are playing alot of builds which requires 925 gears min maxed…best source still NMD/vaults. Mind numbing or not it is the way for min maxing and before you get those solid gears, you will level all glyphs to 21… in s0 i have 6 barbs with all glyphs maxed including blue ones.

As said, a lot of builds doesnt require glyph at ALL for speed tier 100

Adams answer to Gliph leveling

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Some factory games has features for end game where you can upgrade skills till infinite levels so I would definitely add a feature which makes your character stronger. It is really fun to level some things to ridiculous levels. This could be a reward which would motivate players to play in Ethernal.

My 2 cents: you can chose a node on a paragon board (not a rare or magic, but a standard) and level it with standard collected XP over lvl 100. Every XP you earn by leveling over 100 would go to a paragon board as a currency/resource. I would let the player level go to infinite, I think it is rewarding too. You can increase the node maturity with logarithmic exp spending. So if an attribute gives you +4STR by spending x million XP you can increase it to +5STR. I would not restrict the max maturity level. I would request more and more XP as the maturity increases.
This would make late builds binded to a certain paragon board path to be able to be really really strong.

thats my main issue , maybe accelerate the xp gained somehow

Thats kind of my issue tho, I know it will be faster I’m just lacking intrest in playing more NM dungeons at the moment.

Its a personal issue lol.

Just have hopes that maybe in the future we could have another way to lvl them.

I personally find a mixture of content refreshing and allows me to grind without knowing im grinding.