What I want to see in s5/s6

Just a few changes/additions that I’d like to see in s5/s6. I’m curious to see how many people agree or disagree with different points. No particular order.

  1. Bring back mindcages and let them stack all the way up to lvl 200 monsters. Revert baneful heart drop rate nerf.

  2. Fix sorc, revert teleport cooldown nerf.

  3. Nerf flay without destroying all other bleed barb builds.

  4. More ways to farm stygian stones, outside of the pit.

  5. Make core skills and ultimate skills viable.

  6. Add more random encounters like the butcher or son of malphas to the open world.

  7. Let me salvage unwated potions for angelbreath.

  8. Make consumables stack way, way higher.

  9. Make treasure goblins exciting. Maybe a small chance for a godly loot explosion. Make all greed shrines spawn goblins on monster kills.

  10. Rework pit layouts to remove dead ends.

  11. Give me a very expensive way to reset tempering. Maybe by sacrificing an uber/mythical and using the spark to reset.

  12. Add a vendor and blacksmith near boss alters now that alters reappear without leaving the dungeon to reset. Or let my pet eat items and burp up mats.

  13. Make bosses, including world bosses, talk. The butcher shouldn’t be the only one with a voice.

+loadouts, auction house, more character slots


Good list… I would love to see more variety in dungeons. Far too many look similar… how about hell and heaven dungeons like before?!? Hopefully expansion will introduce new jungle dungeons.

Loot! We want more items or at least more world drop skins! The pool of items seem so small for an ARPG of this caliber!

Skill graphics! Make more of our skills look cool to execute! Many are boring!


good list , up up up

I can’t understand how something like this wasn’t in the game right away. It just makes them look so clueless. Then when it’s season 4 and they still don’t have it, it makes them look completely incompetent.

What I would like to see is those 4 guys in the campfire playing every class in Pit 200 and Infernal Hordes T8. So dev know exactly how the game is and what must be fixed.

13 yes yes yes, it bothers me so much that NONE of the bosses say ANYTHING when summoned except the Butcher which is very odd. Id even love some theme music too but that may be asking too much.

I think the general idea here is cool, but I really don’t want the meta to be four or five or more people with max stacked mindcages being carried by one dude with 0 or 1 stack. The only way that would work is to have the mindcage bonus, XP, and drops for everyone scale based on the mindcage stacks of whoever did the most damage to a mob (or the average weighted by damage dealt).

I don’t think the TP need is that bad, but I also think it’s misguided. It makes sense to encourage people to use fewer defensive skills and to invest into the ones they use, rather than dropping in one point. But TP is like the iconic Sorc skill. There should really be one iconic skill for each class that is just automatically available to all builds. If TP had zero cooldown it still might be fine (though the other classes would be jealous…)

I wish they would just add more in general.

Rework pit layouts to actually require some amount of learning the map and getting good at it. Or better yet, just replace them with old gauntlet maps.

I think this is a rare enough ingredient that it wouldn’t really harm the tempering system, would give some purpose to farming mythics beyond getting GAs on them, and would help with the rarest 2+ GA gear. But it wouldn’t stop the complaints and it isn’t really the way to fix the system. Much better to give us more ways to interact with the system beyond choosing a manual and more ways to fail into a decent result instead of failing into garbage one.

What i want to see is no more of this Beta testing :slight_smile:

Welcome mortal, you have encoun…boss is dead rest of quote cut off.

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Nah, I’ll check out season 8 or 9 maybe if they change enough.