I know it’s been heavily implied we may get a Paladin style class in the next expansion (and maybe a return to Tristram? that would be sick), but D4 has obviously made the Zakarum faith into a pretty evil force.
For my part, I would love to see a more heroic “holy knight” sort of character. Tyrael in Diablo 2 was a great example, and I actually really liked the visual style of the Angels in D3. I know Diablo has a very “dark, gothic” visual style, but I found it to be a little overbearing at times, especially how twisted the Zakarum appeared.
I always quite liked the idea of a new brand of Paladin seeking to become a new “Aspect of Justice” after Tyrael’s fall, but mainly just allowing them to be more traditional “good guys”, not edgelords and I half worry they could be.
Gameplay wise, I REALLY want to have a reason to use a Sword and Shield. Maybe they could stance-dance a little between 1hand+shield and 2hand styles?I actually want LESS flashy visuals for more spells, just to make it easier to se.
Make Auras more central to the class, though. Not just “different auras to use”, but maybe something like the Laws in D3, where you get Passive effects to your innate aura when your abilities are off cooldown, but briefly flare up in ability use, before dissipating until your cooldowns are reset.
I’m perfectly fine with them being a B or C tier class for solo, as long as they feel like S tier in group play. Maybe actually encourage them to tank damage somehow, instead of the usual “best defense is overwhelming offense” strategy that most classes seem to take.
Also, assuming we get a Paladin, I honestly just love the idea of taking my time through the whole story again, especially if he feels a little closer to that “knight in shining armor”. I know some people consider that type of character to be “too vanilla”, but it’s always my go to style character.
Keep them fairly fit and muscular (somewhere between Barb and Spiritborn, I would say), but I would like face options that are like late 20s/early 30s. Give them more “kind” looking faces , . Sounds weird to say, but I would almost imagine a younger Hugh Grant, just not another “grizzled veteran” sort of look.