What happened Blizzard?

no they don’t. why do people keep saying this. they lack a leader with a vision, strong leadership and competent devs.


Okay…challenge accepted. I’ve been playing ARPGs since 1998. I played POE since beta. I played D1, D2, D3, D4, and many more.

If you think D4 is better than POE by any metric other than graphics (which no ARPG players really cares about) then your out of your mind. You played it for a year? That’s your take. Did you even get to maps? Good lord.

He said he played LE for a year before the 1.0 release, no mention of time on POE.

I disagree with his verdict also.
If you like making builds, LE is a the superior game and you can tell that within an hour or two of playing it.
POE is dated compared to D4, but still superior systems, and I have no doubt POE2 will contend and surpass.

D4 has good animations and fluid gameplay, but there is no depth to making builds here. They do a good job of story telling over the others…but that only would matter if you did not plan to play the game after level 50.


Yea, the campaign was the only positive I can remember from the game… it brought literally nothing else.

But greed… greed all the way.

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That’s cause the baseline of the game wasn’t designed to be a build-first (or skill-first) game

If you take for example let’s say shotgun as a skill, other games (LE/PoE) would have things like:

  • Penetration shot
  • Double barrel shot
  • Shoot explosive clusters on the ground
  • Ricochet
  • Bleeding
  • Armor & Shield penetration
  • Rapid fire but at a CD

What D4 has ?

  • Anti-armor ammunition
  • Explosive ammunition
  • Blinding ammunition (maybe, if you commit)

The thing is - D4 gives the choice of “mechanics” that may or may not constitute and be an integral part of a skill… It does not define the skill itself… They define what you get (baseline/mechanic-wise) by using a “regular” skill (could be crit, fortify, barrier, MS/AS, CDR, e.t.c.)

I’d argue that is superior and better if implemented right. They came out with a system like that (sadly rudimentary and unfinished) and then rapidly started changing it under pressure of masses that didn’t realize this

“We call sell you a game for $120+ and MTX for 80% of the base game cause we are blizzard”

Joe Shelly seems like the ultimate conman incarnate.

I don’t even feel like he’s played Diablo 2.

When he speaks about Diablo it seems like ChatGPT wrote his script.

Not meant to be rude, just expressing my opinion


Rob Ferguson and Greed.

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Yea rob decided to destroy another franchise and somebody let him do it after the gears of war crap he did…

People need to know this, they refuse to understand. Gears of War, he literally destroyed and for what? Same thing we see here.

He is paid big money to lead and I am sure behind the scenes, he leads like a jerk. His goal, I DO NOT CARE, give me what we got nerds, and lets put it out. Thru slick marketing we will hit our initial targets. Then it is up to you all in the store to keep the shiny things coming.

Pay Wall: Paladin… It coming.

I will pay into POE2 to gain access to their beta.

See, I did not enjoy POE one, well I did a bit. But it became very evident to me, the game was in development so long, I played two seasons during covid. That game is about grinding currency. I loved their Dvelve system. Very unique.

AGAIN, old heads like me, Google it, the Blizzard North team, SOME are uniting, they promise an ARPG with major innovation.

Yea i spent a decent amount of money on PoE my first season but i think you need like a 500$ purchase or somecrap to get beta invite i love poe but dont get me wrong that 500$ marker is a complete joke in my opinion

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I read it was 30 bucks, aint no way I am shelling out 500 bucks… if that is the case… dang, I may be playing MLB the show all summer long then, hahaha

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Idk if you tried grimdawn or not yet but that game is a real solid arpg fix its actually becoming one of my top possibly

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I am going to buy that, after the next season. I will get a Necro to level 100 and I will then have gotten each class to the max level. In March MLB the Show comes out, that game is fun, and is not dominated by MTX, sure there is some, but my kid can play and get plenty of in game rewards, etc.

Grim Dawn and I will have a long date soon, I am kind of waiting too see how POE2 handles their beta, I am hopeful for a small sum, I can buy into their Beta, I read it could be in the range of 30 to 100, I will see.

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$$$$$ they threw a lot at it.

Blizzard execs must all get a cut of the shop sales. It always works flawlessly.

Kotick, CEO from 3 months ago, is just trying to buy TikTok for OpenAI training data with his money he did here. Source: Activision Blizzard’s ex-CEO Bobby Kotick reportedly wants to buy TikTok

Also they are looking for D4 Operations Manager, which smooths communication between teams. E.g. the motivitation is completely down in the depts. Source: Department Operations Manager | Art | Diablo Franchise in Irvine, California, United States of America | Operations at Blizzard Entertainment

That should explain alot.

Honestly, and I hate to say this. Its just a lack of talent and creativity. The animation guys are the best thing left at Blizzard. But there isn’t an original or interesting new idea anywhere in the building.

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> “Honestly, and I hate to say this. Its just a lack of talent and creativity. The animation guys are the best thing left at Blizzard. But there isn’t an original or interesting new idea anywhere in the building” This it’s been coming for years :unamused:


It’s because blizzard is all about the least amount of effort for the most monetary gains. They’re not focused on a good player experience, just that they sold you on the hype they’ve built to get you to buy the game. Then it’s hands off