What do you do right now?

As casual player (I don’t play everyday and if I do it’s like 2h max stint) I did everything that in core Season 2 has brought.

Vampiric powers - done. Aclaim - done. 100lvl done. Duriel etc. done. Seasonal journey done 9/10 etc.

Now its 3rd December and I see literally no reason to launch this game again before Season 3, since I don’t care of Abattoir of Zir as I am no no-lifer to min-max my character for this event.

What about you? Do you still feel that there is a lot of exciting things to do untill S3?

No lifer stolen my content :sob::sob::sob:

i currently level my glyphs and prepare for AoZ on the 5th december.
Also there will be a holiday even starting at the 12th december

But generally speaking, you could start a new character you didnt try yet.

Or well you just wait til season 3. Its totally fine to quit a seasonal game. After all there are many nice games that demand our time as well =)


I know this feeling well, started feeling it about 2 weeks ago.

I would say the best thing to do is play with other people it can keep things a bit more fun, even if it is boring. I played Solo SSF up to 100 pretty much…so grouping was not really my thing.

Now I also run bosses with rando teammates and when people ask for help in the trade chat I help them.


Sounds like you did all the current content already, if you don’t want to do AoZ, then there is one little thing you might like to do around the Holiday.

From Dec 12th to Jan??? (I am not sure of the end date) there is a Winter Red Cloaked Horror event in D4 Seasonal. It will be in the Fractured Peaks and function sort of like the Blood Zones - collect currency and spend it on the cosmetic rewards. Rewards are back and weapon skins/transmogs with a tinge of holiday …cheer? If you like some pine wreath with your bones and skulls.

Wowhead has a preview of the cosmetics and some info on gameplay if you wish to take a look.

Red Cloaked Horror?

Weapon Skins

Back Items


Still have to knock out a few of those, but once done that will be it for this game for a while. 72 hours in for my lvl 94 bone spear necro, played pre-season 136 on a druid…skipped S1 entirely (still have the deluxe edition battlepass to use).

I might try and respec for giggles once I hit 100…maybe that’s something you could try. But personally, I think that’ll be it for me for several seasons.

Pretty much all there is left to do if everything is completed already.

Reroll new class.
Respec for “giggles” or to try something new.

12/5 is releasing the holiday content, that will be new, but once that is finished🤷🏻‍♂️

The sentiments in this thread are shared by many.

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i consider it a win tho. i mean d4 kept me hooked for almost 2 months with this event then. Pretty solid considering how fast i was done with s1. (i think i spent like 3 weeks on it and then took a break and really irregulary checked back) ^^


Agreed…as much as I gripe and concur with a lot of the criticisms of this game…I knew when I spent the $90 on it I’d get much more out of it. Same thing with D3 honestly…between D3 on the switch and PC…I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time playing that game. I expect it to be no different with D4.


I cant motivate myself to play at the moment. Im in sloth :sloth: mode and instead of playing i read a lot. :open_book:

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haha, well there is for sure enough room for criticism we can surely agree on that :wink:

true on d3. even tho i disliked d3, especially early, i did have quite my fair game time there ^^

I thought so too, initially. However the Holiday content is Dec 12th. They have a banner notice on the char screen in game I think.


yea, its just the AoZ thats coming on the 5th

Done everything but the pvp and Uber Lilith challenges. I’ve gotten every non-Uber unique for my character except for one (fists of fate) I e even got every boss cosmetic except forte Duriel horse. Right now I’m just farming Duriel for the horse and Ubers (2 so far). Still having a blast.

I think you mean nothing to do until season 4.

For me, my main focus from here on out is just playing when I feel like it for fun and farming Duriel for more uber uniques because… why not.

Is Diablo 4 a primary game right now? No; however, it is still “in rotation” and so I’ll play it some. I’m cool with the game beiong a 1 - 2 month “the game” for me and then receding into the background for a couple of months afterwards if/when I finish.

If you want OP another thing to do is mess with your Eternal characters and gear them up as you want.

OP if you enjoy the lore start running the side quests, some of them have main story components attached to them. In one of them you even help the young sage that was in the very first cinematic “By three they come.”

Oh is it just aoz on the 5th?

I thought they were releasing everything at once.

I am so bad with dates.

I did too! I realized when I read the patch notes that the Holiday was not in it. Then I went hunting for the date. Only to realize it was pinned right there as part of my login process and I was just blind.

Heh. I am actually looking forward to it. I want that candle lantern thing.


I am in the process of testing my builds without Vamp powers in T100. I am already operating with the mindset that S2 is about done for me.

I am waiting for Zir to see how far I can go without resorting to broken builds. I don’t expect to do T25 but being able to do T1-T5 is good enough. T10 would be an exceptional achievement for me.

Other than that, I am having fun squashing folks in PvP with my Sorc. I will have more fun once that Selig nerf comes out.

Edit: I am saying all those because I have already achieved most of my goals for S2:

  • multiple Sorcs builds that can clear T100 comfortably including Conjuration and Firewall builds
  • beat all Uber bosses including Lilith
  • share content in my YT channel
  • min/max my main Sorcs
  • 100% S2 journey completion including back to back Hatred’s Chosen title
  • experiment with side builds

I might go back to Diablo Immortal soon to level up my char there, or try other games