What do we think about the new Firebolt unique gloves?

Ancestral Unique Gloves

925 Item Power

463 Armor

  • +[11.9 - 16.6]% Attack Speed
  • +[25.0 - 35.0]% Damage to Burning Enemies
  • +[2 - 3] to Fire Bolt
  • +[1 - 2] to Devouring Blaze
  • Casting Fire Bolt through your Firewall causes it to split into 4 bolts, each dealing [10 - 30]% more damage.

How does everyone feel about this unique? I am struggling to envision a build where it would work. Basic skills deal so little damage by themselves and the only real way to empower them are the Paingorgers but they’re also gloves so they compete for the same slot. Maybe running these with an Ancient Flame aspect so you can spam it faster but even then it will only be good for triggering lucky hits.

Moonrise, Adaptability and new crafting + basic skill gems - tough to say until tried them but wouldnt have used Paingorgers with it since Fire Bolt pierces anyway.

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Ah those are the new vampire aspects, right? I stopped playing again before they reintroduced them so I haven’t played with them. Seems like any build using them would be pretty tight on aspects but then that’s pretty much all builds, lol. They really can’t bring back Kanai’s Cube fast enough!

These gloves synergize really well with the new temper aspect on weapons that gives a chance to double cast firebolt. Basically, when the firebolt splits, it rerolls that chance, and it can cast again. So when you cast firebolt, it doubles, then each of those casts splits into 4, then each of those casts doubles again. This is a total of 16 firebolts, each with a 30% damage bonus, and more importantly it’s 16x lucky hit procs and 16x procs of firebolt enchant on a single target. Firewall sorc already scales lucky hit like crazy and desperately needs single-target damage.


I believe it’s Darth Talon’s new favorite gloves.

The devouring blaze alone is really desirable; these look very good if you can make up the missing lucky hit/crit chance that ideally would be on normy gloves.

The splits can target the same enemy as the original cast?

Interesting interaction, I haven’t looked at those yet. I wonder if I can work it into my Meteor/Firewall build. I would have to give up Conceited and the Tal-Rasha ring because I won’t have room on my bars for extra skills just to proc it and will also need at least one ring slot for aspects. That’s a lot of damage multiplier loss.

I think the new tempering affixes present an entirely new path for single target damage scaling. There is also a weapons manual for “lucky hit: up to a 40% chance to deal 40,000 damage,” with each of the damage types. Firebolt’s base LHC is 35%, but it’s pretty easy to get it up to 50%. You can use the firebolt enchant to get another dot application, so each hit with firebolt has a total of 100% lucky hit chance over its duration. With flameweaver and chance to cast twice, each cast hits up to 16 times if you shotgun it into the target, so cumulative 1600% lucky hit chance on a boss. That’s an average of 6.4 of these flat damage procs, 8 X’fal’s procs, 4 firewall enchantment procs or 1.28 meteor enchantment procs, etc. per fire bolt. Attack speed is also super easy to cap in both buckets because fire bolt is a basic skill, so you can probably get it up to 2.5 or 3 attacks per second. Then the firewalls or meteors you call down can lucky hit as well giving even more boss damage. Stacking lucky hit will be easier because you can roll it on amulets now, but getting the chance to cast fire bolt twice affix roll high enough will be harder. Boss damage is the biggest sore spot for fire builds, and I think these gloves allow you to come at the problem from a completely different angle.

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It’s rough missing out on lucky hit chance and crit chance on these gloves. I’m currently playing a Firebolt (and secondarily Firewall) build with all the buffs to basic attacks. Crit chance is useful for triggering Accelerating Aspect. But crit damage from Devouring Blaze seems like an odd choice, since Firewall won’t benefit and Firebolt will only a little, being mostly DoT… unless the Devs are suggesting Devouring Blaze synergises with Burning Instinct?!

I don’t want to say this won’t be good, but Lucky Hit Chance for Firebolt and most other fire skills doesn’t work like that. You will find that you get fewer procs in practice than the tooltip value might imply.

I’m not sure any of us are totally sure about the math behind this, but it appears that the lucky hit chance on the tooltip represents some value that is normalized across all components of the damage (the direct hit and the burning ticks). Best case scenario: There’s a 35% chance at the end of 8 seconds that you got a lucky hit. In practice I’m not sure it’s even that high. Maxroll pegs the lucky hit chance of the direct damage component at 20% with a 1.5% chance per tick of the DoT thereafter.

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Yes. This coincides with my temrity, soulbrand, and imbiber s tier build.

Jokes aside, the gloves are low on my testing priority list, but im always open.

These itemization changes and variety of manuals are a bit overwhelming so far. It would be great if there was an inventory of all of them so we could start crafting hypotheses across armor, weapons, jewels

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This is very exciting if it proves to be true. Stacking damage multipliers feels awfully boring and is super restrictive since it severely limits the amount of other aspects you can use. I’d much rather use 3-4 aspects to make one skill go crazy and do all sorts of cool things instead of having to use 3-4 separate damage multiplier aspects.

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Yeah that’s easily one of my biggest gripes with the class (or the game, really). At the end of the day, very few of the “fun” aspects that change a skill are actually better to use than some generic damage multiplier. And as we get so few aspect slots (may as well write off a minimum of one ring and one armor slot somewhere for near mandatory uniques), I lately find that I end up just cramming multipliers into every slot I have left because that’s the way the math works out for pushing high level content.

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Yup, we’re all in the same boat in that regard I think. It’s all about the damage multipliers just like it was all about the vulnerable damage before.

I really thought they would do something about the aspect economy, like adding another ring slot or a Kanai’s Cube type interface, but they didn’t. Maybe when the first expansion rolls around the game will be fun. After all it was kinda like that in D3 too.

change firebolt to fireball and fixed lol

I hate to break it to you, but it’s all about stacking the multipliers still.

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Ok so after finally getting a pair of these to drop I slapped together a half assed build to test it. My PTR character is only lvl 75 so don’t even have a full paragon board yet, but these things are a boss killer.

If I get the wall placed just right it absolutely bombards the boss. I’m getting 800 to 1.2 mil burn damage per tick once the crits ramp up.

Unfortunately you have to be kinda close for boss killing as the four shots fire in a fan. But you can drop the firewall under your own feet and still get the effect.

It’s definitely worth looking into making a real build with it.

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Something about the scaling seems off, doesn’t match the paper. Probably a bug, but the gloves are doing something beyond the split in FW to kill.

For example, I can craft stats where i add the extra devouring blaze, fire bolt ranks etc. and with the gloves on will still do more damage than without the gloves.

Bottom line, pair with Moon rise, and the thing does do damage. Kind of like a bumblebee that looks too heavy to fly but somehow it gets the job done.

Useable! Maybe better than useable! Sorcs are new trolls unseating barbs.

For additional context, I had the a low roll unique affix, no firewall inplace, and still 1-shot a pve necro in pvp zone. Not sure how that happened.

Usable? I think it’s legit the best dmg build Sorc has at the moment. The double proc fire bolts on split is absolutely insane.