What class are people going to play season 5 besides the barb?

I’ll start off with a necro. Either bonespear or minion. And then prolly Blizz sorc… though I did enjoy my rapid fire rogue. The rest remains to be seen.

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Only Rogue. The only class that I really enjoy.

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I haven’t tried a Stabby Rogue build yet over any of the seasons, I tried a bow build - didn’t care for it and quit. So maybe that …

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my main has always been sorc/wiz in all diablo games.



definitely will be playing as sorcerer class while those 60%x buff lasts, otherwise my gut-feel tells me it will most likely get nerfed to 45%x in season 6.

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Probably not playing, no more platinum to buy upgraded pass and not paying $$

Barb narf should been donne long ago, i was tired of barbablo 4

Rogue first, as always (main rogue here). But I tend to play all classes if the season is good, except for druid - never played this guy since the release of the game, not even once (too fat). In S2 I had rogue, tried 3 builds, ball lightning sorc and HOTA barb. Now I had rogue, where I played barrage, rapid fire, twisting blades and 2 different versions of heartseeker - with and without Andi. Then, I also had non-immortal fire-bolt sorc, decompose necro and flay barb. All to level 100 and tempered and masterworked gear to 12/12 on every single build. Then I completely burnt out of the pit and moved on to other games while waiting for S5.

But man, I just saw the Rob’s video with some of the reworked uniques… I am absolutely excited to try ice shard/frozen orb sorc. I have been waiting since S1 to finally be able to play functional ice shard sorc that can actually do the end-game content. With the rework to Blue Rose, it might actually be possible. Also, definitely CL or ball lightning/CL mix. And then back to the rogue. I am quite excited there to see how the heartseeker will perform with the new unique sword and Andi. I thought that S5 will be a total skip and now I think that 2 months might not be enough to enjoy it fully…

I usually play at least 2. This past season I played more and played 4. I enjoy sorcerer and (non minion) necromancer the most. I think all the panic over barbarian nerfs is an over reaction. With 4 weapons and two 2-hander weapons the Barbarian will still have lots of powerful build options. I hope the sorcerer will be stronger, but I don’t have a lot of faith in the changes working out. The paragon boards are so weak in comparison today, and any skill that requires a lucky hit will now require a focus, leaving the sorc with no 2 handed aspects.
Some people like to point out that a few people where able to make a sorc build work this season, but for typical player the barbarian was about 2x as powerful for same level of hours spent developing the character.
This season I put in equal effort on 4 classes and had these results:
Barb: 120 pit
Rougue: 110 pit
Necro: 110 pit
Sorc: 85 pit
For all I read the popular build guides, watched the you tubes. I feel like the pit levels I reached with each class reflect their current relative power. I think the blizzard adjustments will help to close these gaps.
I also don’t understand why someone would get upset about a class being weak for a season that hasn’t started yet. If you really think it won’t be fun to play that class play another. I do understand a class has being weak for several seasons in a row as a source of complaints. I think the complaints about fixing the sorcerer are valid, and for the other’s we should wait and see and give it a chance.

I’ll probably still play barbarian because it get’s to wear more stat sticks and still has bigger damage multipliers than all the other classes while having the best inherent survivability and naturally hitting armor cap via strength.

Barb. Little nerf doesn’t bother me.

Still a Barb first dispite the nerfs. Normally I’d play an alt character at some point but with it being a short season and honestly I wasn’t all the excited by the new event I may just level to 100 and be done until the expansion.

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I’d finished S4 2 weeks ago with Sorc (Frozen Orbs) cleared Pit 116 and Necro (Blood Surge) cleared Pit 105.
Next season, I’ll definitely play Sorc first and then Necro… :+1:

Will try a barb first, if it doesn’t work out I’ll probably do a rogue possibly to 100 and call it quits for the season.

Sorc as always since release, but ive been meaning to check rogue.

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Necro. I only play one char a season
0: Druid
1: Sorc
2: Rogue
3: didn’t play
4: Barb
5: Necro

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Barb, never played other class so not sure about other class

Was thinking 1st time making a rouge for crit temper in s5 but then the crit dmg temper will be available for barb in s5, so no need rouge

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Sorc, like every season, first choice.

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Necro, Sorc, and Druid every season.

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Well, Barb is the only class I haven’t really leveled yet, so…

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