What are you looking forward to the most in the VoH?

Take your pick or add to the list.

  1. The continuation of the story.
  2. The new class (more to come in July).
  3. Revisiting the old area in D2 act 3.
  4. Seeing what Mephisto is up to.
  5. The new mercenary system.
  6. All of the above I like what I see. :point_left:
  7. Something new for me to complain about.
  8. I am single minded and just want to kill stuff.
  9. No Paladin, I am out, I will just rage for another year.
  10. I do not care about D4 or the VoH I just like to cry on the forum.

I’m looking forward to more posts from people with this mentality. So funny to see them not get the thing that they’ve known for a long time isn’t coming, and still throw a fit like they just got sucker punched.

For me, I’m just looking forward to more content. Maybe a new end-game loop, maybe some new skills. Def looking forward to the cinematics though, since it’s obvious that a lot of work is put into those, and they look phenomenal.


Even though I always end up disappointed by the story (D3/D4), I still like the overall lore of the Diablo universe and like to see more.

I think also, I’m just excited for some new scenery, new art, new dungeon appearances, new enemies, new textures etc. and new activities/content to do in those new environments. That’s one of the big areas where seasons haven’t delivered for me. Lots of re-used assets and textures, that I’ve seen 1000 times already.

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Out of that list, probably more story. I do like campaigns in games.

Also looking forward to possibly new end game content and possible quality of life features.

What I’d like most is better class skill balance where you can truly pick what skills you would like to play and not struggle through the game.

A game that doesn’t crash

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More and better endgame.

All of the above really. While I’m in the salty boat over not having a Crusader considering we’re in Crusader territory, I know it’ll happen eventually. So I’m not raging about it yet. Lol. I just play Crusader on Immortal to get my fix and then come back to my Necro cause I’ve been a Necro main since D2.

I love the Diablo lore, I’ve read almost every book as well as played all the games, but I think I’m looking forward to seeing Kurast, the docks and the jungles in the graphics power we have now compared to D2. Kurast has always been my favorite area in any Diablo game.

We already know what Mephisto is about to do, but seeing how he does it this time should be interesting.

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I guess mercenaries. Honestly nothing sounds all that exciting about the expansion yet. Hopefully with more details that will change.

Looking forward to the 50 more stash tabs.

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Mercs. By far.

Tbh, nothing else about the expansion sounds interesting so far. Cool trailer and all that, potentially it could be an interesting story. But Blizzard are writing it, so probably not :slight_smile:

No Monk, I am out, I will just rage for another year.

Nothing that we know about it yet has me interested, so I guess I will look forward to the money I save by not buying it. :smile:

Finally have some class balance and balance between skills within class.
As for now, this game is terrible in this regard.

For new skills added to each class. Sorc rework.

And the new Story.

Anyone know what date that VoH campfire stream would be? I am sure I saw a blue post about it on the forums a while back… but can’t find it anymore :laughing:

edit: Nvm, I found it…

" While this Class remains shrouded in mystery, all shall be revealed in time. Join us for our Spiritborn Class Reveal on July 18 , where the team will take an in-depth look to learn more about this groundbreaking Class."

Plus more information at Gamescom in August.