What are the four damage colors, please? Normal, crit, overpower and...?

I made a crushing hands gorlilla build, the overpower-variant, and the damage of my SB is really good.
Now it seems for the first time, I do all kinds of damage that are possible in D4.

There is

  • white, I thought it is normal damage
  • yellow, which I thought was crit in early seasons
  • orange which I thought is crit since season 4
  • and… let’s call ist cyan which is overpower

But that cannot be true.
I nearly never do the yellow and the cyan damage. Most times I do orange.
I am pretty sure cyan is still overpower, so why is the damage in my overpower build nearly never overpower-colored?

yellow is crit
cyan is overpower
orange is crit overpower


What is this in more details please? Do my overpower hits crit, or do my crit hits overpower or something else?

It’s both. It means your attack is a crit AND an overpower.

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If you’re doing almost only orange numbers then you’re doing it right. Your Banished Lords Talisman procs to give you critical strike and overpower combined. You’ll see a few white numbers too, these are due to your Jaguar spirit hall proc. They should be huge numbers.

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Thanks. Yes, you can call that huge. I ve never ever had that much damage in Diablo.

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White is normal hit (weapon damage * main stat + additive)
Yellow is crit (weapon damage * main stat * crit + additive)
Cyan is over power (weapon damage * main stat * overpower + additive)
Orange is crit overpower (weapon damage * main stat * crit * overpower + additive)

If you have vulnerable as well that would be another multiplier.