I made a crushing hands gorlilla build, the overpower-variant, and the damage of my SB is really good.
Now it seems for the first time, I do all kinds of damage that are possible in D4.
There is
white, I thought it is normal damage
yellow, which I thought was crit in early seasons
orange which I thought is crit since season 4
and… let’s call ist cyan which is overpower
But that cannot be true.
I nearly never do the yellow and the cyan damage. Most times I do orange.
I am pretty sure cyan is still overpower, so why is the damage in my overpower build nearly never overpower-colored?
If you’re doing almost only orange numbers then you’re doing it right. Your Banished Lords Talisman procs to give you critical strike and overpower combined. You’ll see a few white numbers too, these are due to your Jaguar spirit hall proc. They should be huge numbers.
White is normal hit (weapon damage * main stat + additive)
Yellow is crit (weapon damage * main stat * crit + additive)
Cyan is over power (weapon damage * main stat * overpower + additive)
Orange is crit overpower (weapon damage * main stat * crit * overpower + additive)
If you have vulnerable as well that would be another multiplier.