What? 8,846,325 Gold to reroll?!

So I am at level 100 and decided to look at redoing my entire paragon and try something different. At least that is until I saw what it would cost. Per each node to remove it would cost me 39,317g and since I have all 225 nodes that is a grand total of 8,845,325g. What happened to being able to play our characters the way we want? This seems to me to be quite an extravagant amount for this. What is the need to cost this much for us to enjoy the things in the game? Just take a look at enchanting for petes sake.


8 mil is cheap at level 100. Learn to sell stuff.


They said before release that at higher levels its better to make a new character then reroll this is intentional


I’ve said this since the betas: Rerolling/respecing the skill tree and even the paragon for gold isn’t the biggest problem, it’s finding the right items and imprinting/extracting the aspects.
You can do it once or twice at a heavy cost, but you often cannot go back without a big farming session


it looks worse than it is.

i drained a bunch of 10mils rolling things on stuff. it comes back faster than i would expect. just sell everything instead of salvaging for a bit.


Sounds about right… Im already having to grind dungeons for loot to sell, which isnt really that bad because the dungeons are usually fun…

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I just wanna say, I dont think its really all that much easier. Considering how long it can take a player to reach lvl 100 and farm all the perfect gear again. I would rather just spend the 9mil to respec lol


Is it really 9 million or are you embellishing?

No way, they seriously want that to be the case?

Damn, they surprise me more and more.

Yup look at the interviews from even last year. This was a big talking point among content creators

1No it really is. 39,317g x 225 = 8,845,325g. I know the gold is makeable not at all saying it isn’t; however, it would be nice to be more fluid and try different build and things with out have to farm for hours just to do so.


dude… sell stuff im lvl 77 and own 34 million…


Would be better if they let us have 2 or 3 loadouts, where when you switch to an empty loadout your skills and paragon were completely reset and could spec for different builds so you could swap loadouts on the fly for different situations. Kinda like they did in World Of Warcraft?


Dude go enchant something to get a serious piece and then tell me how much gold you have left lol.


Yea, it’s pretty trash… it’s my biggest gripe with the game. Devs messed up, hopefully in the future it get’s resolved.


You could instead farm some a$$hole that laughs 6 times per run takes at least 3 minutes a run to have a 1/17th drop at dropping 1/4th of what you need to re-roll if that makes you happier.

They need to remove or at least reduce the price.

Ah yes because you can make an alt and level them to 100 in no time flat. What percentage of the players have 1 at level 100? Now how many have 2? My friend who plays a decent amount, more than I do is only mid 70s. I know plenty have made it to 100 but for people who aren’t rushing just rerolling is a silly request.


I believe I heard that roughly 7000 players have hit 100.

Those are the pros, for lack of better term. The average will drop from 3500 a week average week over week as those that dedicate 8+ hours a day gaming start to taper off.

What is the purpose of bringing inflation into D4? I don’t know.

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They’ve talked about this since then and amended that by saying that it’s not totally cost prohibitive to reroll once in a while which you will be able to do but won’t make sense to reroll constantly cost-wise.

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