Werewolf companions stuck in air whenever using wolves ability

When using “your wolf companions are now werewolf companions” and “gain 1 additional companion” aspects together, the third werewolf companion gets stuck in the air whenever the “wolves” ability is used.

When using the Druid Aspect “your wolf companions are also werewolf companions” and activating the skill, they tend to jump above enemies and get stuck floating in the air.

I’m also not convinced that the damage aspect of the activated jump actually happens.

werewolf companion getting stuck in the air using active ability.
I was using aspect of the alpha and aspect of stampede.

Easy to reproduce, happens consistently. When using the druid’s werewolf companion aspect and using the Wolves active ability, one werewolf will almost always not attack, but instead get stuck about 20 ft above the action. Maybe worth noting, the werewolves are still able to attack enemies if an enemy is tall enough to be on the same level as the elevated wolves. However they no longer follow the player. Only way to get the werewolf down is get far enough away that they respawn to your location.