Werebear Provocation passive

When I chose the werebear provocation passive in the tree (next skill overpowers after 15 seconds in werebear form) it would sometimes not pop up even though I was staying in werebear the whole time. It was very inconsistent, sometimes I would have to let werebear form run out and restart the form, but sometimes it would work as intended. Also it would be nice if maul didn’t waste the charge on breakable objects.

I have to use a spell that turns me back to human form, like hurricane, to get the passive to work again. It’s annoying.

Also, the buff itself seems wasted by maul. Forces player to be overly vigilant on predicting when the buff will be available to save resources for pulverize.

Also the requirement to be in bear form for x seconds is overly restrictive. Some spells like hurricane take the Druid out of bear form. As does bloody howl. This is so restrictive…

It’s a bugged and just super unfun mechanic.

I tested and it seems if you accidently hit nothing it waste your provocation it would be nice if at least you had to hit 1 target for it to work …