Were you having fun?

Literally a nonsense sentence. I understand you’re trying to sound smart but when you swing and miss by that much it really just ends up being counter-productive…

TLDR: Stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to.

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it makes sense to the people who have watched blizzard do the industry song and dance for over a decade at this point and yet it’s always people like you making the same exact tired arguments, ITS JUST BETA, ITS JUST EARLY ACCESS, WHY ARE YOU UPSET THAT A PRODUCT YOU PAID FOR IS BAD, JUST PLAY A DIFFERENT GAME. It’s all so tiresome. You people enable this kind of garbage by eating whatever poop on plate they put out with a smile on your face and your crab in a bucket mentality to shout down anyone who has a problem with it is pure insanity.

If your complaint is that it’s bad, then sure. That’s valid. That’s not what most of yall are throwing tantrums about. Yall are upset because the game is different than it was 3 days ago, before it’s even officially launched. You’re not mad because the game is bad, you’re mad because the overpowered build you copied from Maxroll is a little less powerful now.

Those are two different things… and one is much more valid than the other.

lol i was using rend/thorns during campaign and now swapped fully to WW barb…
idk what the problem is… build is awesome… still trashing elites like hot knife through butter… my build isnt even optimized because i just swapped build and its already way faster, way better…

I think over-all I am having fun with druid but I am using what I think is an uncommon build? Least when I see other druids running around in the overworld they don’t seem to be using it. Good burst, crap sustain damage.

Loved the nerfs across the board. The harder the game the more incentive to farm better items! Paragon levels were overtuned so it’s good they changed them.

More playing less crying!

Maybe these people shouldn’t be taking off the shelf top broken builds a millisecond after release? “Oh I’ll be broken OP with minimal effort, let’s gooo!” Nope.

As i said i went with Arc and CL for leveling and the first capstone dungeon went fine. Getting the stacks with the legendary to let core skills do more damage and juggling cooldowns like nova and ice armor etc. For me that was fun and now i probably respec to like an ice shards build.

Normally i would for a hydra build but hey these games you have to adept all the time. You cant exspect to stick to 1 build for the eternity of the game. For me changing builds around is fun and in the end i had fun leveling with this Arc build, all i am saying.

If u cant adept yeah u might not have fun but there is way too much whining about things everyone would know they probably change things around.

Wow that is quite the meltdown. Are you ok? It seems like the little game has really upset you.

Or maybe people very much like WW Barb cuz ?? ITS FUN ?? I dont know about you guys. But when i play any diablo type game (Meaning AARPGS in general) what i do like to do is break stuff with insanely broken builds. If i want to play some kind of streamlined gameplay where its competitive and its actually sane to have “equilibrium” i would play THEIR other game, WoW.

If any other spec would have been nerfed to the ground, we would have said the same. Its not about the fact its barb its about the fact that they did the DAY 2 nerfs. And that all this achieve is being “Anti fun” for those who wanted to play it. What i’d like to know is WHAT advantage do theses patches achieve ? Maybe the “people getting nerf are whining boohoo” guys get to feel good and so its a good thing ? I dont know how its good for the game as a whole.

At lvl 50, bored out of my mind playing minion necro build. Respecc’ed to Bone skills, no minions - it’s crap. Now switched back to minions but trying shadow damage and dot. It’s fine but I have absolutely no regen, leech or blood orbs. Atm searching through forums, looking how other classes fare because I want to quit necro, the class works and can do content but boring and I want to pluck my eyes out rather than look at poor skeleton minion design any longer.
Feeling empty man. I want to play the game, I want to have fun but I’m having less and less fun. Scaling is terry-bad, items dropping at best, five lvls lower than myself, legendaries seven plus.
I legit wish they remove the cost of skills if they already placed cd’s on skills or remove cd’s since the resource already limits how much we can spam skills. I don’t know…game needs life/resource leech or regen stat because feels slow and bad playing right now.

Devs have a particular goal in mind for what D4 is. It’s not “mowing down 1000s of enemies in a broken build”. The target audience are people who enjoy fights that require more than 1 IQ. Yes, broken builds are fun to some people, but they kill the game for others.

Ok then, tell me how me being broken ruins your game ? all it ruins is your ego i guess.
How can u know that the goal the devs have is to not “mow down 1000s of enemies” ? Its literally what’s expected of AARPGS no ?
Have you played any of them the last 15 years to say that ?
Speaking about the IQ as you’re mentioning it, does any build in any of the diablo franchise history required more than 2 braincells to be used ? To clear the very end game there may be, but let’s be honest, the majority isn’t even gonna try to comprehend how to beat the very late game.
So again, we’re talking about a solo game, where we are incentivised to play in groups due to buffs coming with it but with no way to actually form a group or find people to play with inside the actual game.
We have actually no form of ‘ladder’ or way to show off of your advancement to others except what have been shown by Youtubers/Streamers so far. So why are they changing anything relating to “class spells”, cuz we all know blizzard doesn’t test their products when it comes to theses kind of patches. Even though they did, all it really achieves is people getting mad. So why ? It makes literally 0 sense. But hey, keep defending them, so we sure never get the changes we need in the game :wink:

How can u know that the goal the devs have is to not “mow down 1000s of enemies” ?

Because they said so?

Its literally what’s expected of AARPGS no ?

No. Action RPG is a turn-based RPG made action, historically. It can be what you say, but not necessarily.

Have you played any of them the last 15 years to say that ?

Yeah I played many and I disliked most of them for the lack of meaningful combat. I don’t want to fight purely with a spreadsheet, I want combat mechanics - dodging, sidestepping, prioritising enemies because they buff or heal others, and so on. Pressing one button and seeing everything die has nothing to do with playing a game. There is no playing. There is no game. Just a loot generator for no reason.

So yeah, D4 is what I dreamt of. At least, quite close.

The problem with nerfing it, is that there is 1 other viable build…which is also a no mana spending arc lash build but with ice shards.

Mana cost on a sorc is insanely high for the output the abilities do. If you look, meteor is pretty much a similiar mana cost to all the core skills give or take 5 mana on 2. Our mana doesnt scale, which means we have 100. Two casts of anything ooms you and you either run around waiting for spam your primary skill for minimal mana gain to be able to cast once or twice again.

The 2 viable builds ignored mana, one is now nerfed severely (luckily it was so strong that its still fine in low t4) and the other im sure has a nerf incoming.

Was excited to try fireball build as I got the unique for every third cast you shoot out 3. Figured shotgun time. You can’t even get to the third cast, only time its remotely fun is when you do inferno and can free cast fireball for double rounds of the 3x fireball. Then find out even on crit that damage is around 5-8k depending on build total. Which is just trash damage when things like arclash hit for 1-3k per swing on a not optimized setup.

Hydra popping 34 damage a hit for a whopping 500 average damage a cast that takes 10 seconds to finish out. Frozen orb doing a laughable 200 damage for half your mana bar…You bring the bad things up, nerf the OP things and meet in the middle. You dont just dumpster the top things.

Other builds can’t clear content?

Not the higher end, I suppose saying “cant” is a bad way to describe it. I suppose frozen orb COULD do it, would just take hours.

I’ve been altering my build based on the legendary affixes I get, I have a feeling it’s going to be closer to D2 than D3 in that regard.

Define higher end? I’m just curious, I’m playing with a mage friend.

Define higher end? Higher end meaning increased difficulty content.

In order to get different gear you need to be able to clear capstones to then unlock the next difficulty which then drops completely new gear for you.

Tell me, would you rather spend 25 minutes fighting a single boss because you have to wait for your mana to restore and your cooldowns to come back up because you cant do any meaningful damage without them
Spend 5 Minutes killing a boss and while you could still die because they do tons of damage, you, in turn, can kill the boss respectively.

I choose the 5 minutes or less. Why? Because the vast majority of time is going to be spent GRINDING LOOT. You know what you are NOT doing every time you have to sit in a boss battle for 20 minutes? Getting Loot.

Diablo is an AARPG loot-grinder. The entire purpose is to kill HORDES of enemies and bosses to get loot. That loot then lets you kill harder HORDES and bosses to get better loot. Rinse and Repeat.

Nerfing of such a high magnitude literally runs counter to the nature of an AARPG such as this one. I dont want to be spending 2 minutes on an elite pack and I certaintly dont want to spend 20 minutes on a single boss that isnt even on the hardest difficulty.

I should be able to practically decimate enemies and then start feeling the pressure within T3+ with the introduction of tougher enemies, mechanics, etc.

I should’ve have to sit dungeon boss battles at T1-T2 and notice that after 3 casts of a spell im freaking OOM and i have to dodge around waiting for my cooldowns or spamming a resource generator that tickles the enemy and hits like a limp noodle.